“The yin– yang creation–destruction balance changes over a supercontinent cycle, with crustal growth being greatest during supercontinent break-up due to high magmatic flux at new arcs and crustal destruction being greatest during supercontinent amalgamation due to subduction of continental material and increased sediment flux due to orogenic uplift.” (Stern and Scholl 2010).
Thesis of Stern and Scholl 2010 ...
... was presaged by Jazz and Spring in 2004. Cats are amazing!
[This is my contribution to the June Accretionary Wedge (#57) hosted by Evelyn at Georneys. The topic is Seeing Geology Everywhere, with a bit of an emphasis on geokittehs.]Literature Cited
Stern, RJ and Scholl, DW. 2010. Yin and yang of continental crust creation and destruction by plate tectonic processes. Int. Geol. Rev. 52:1-31. PDF here