JohnHG: Is trying to show yourself as being artistic or some deep soul a sign of borderline? I know someone and I suspect her of being that way. Her social media is filled with pictures of very female things like photos of flowers, abstract paintings, walks in the park, and health food pages. (Interestingly not a single picture is of a cute animal, no paintings of creatures)
She has a very strange way of talking online. It’s the other extreme of Mr. Spock, who is too logical to the point of lacking common sense. This other extreme of not noticing the entire part of the goddamn sentence.
A: Let’s have our kids go on a scavenger hunt!
B: How dare you, hunting is bad! Buy your food at the supermarket.
A: Well it looks different…compared to a real hunt, well what about a mushroom hunt for the children today? They can learn about fungus…
B It Doesn’t make any damn difference! I don’t want anyone shooting anything! Don’t suggest a different kind of hunt, they are all the same, filled with psychopaths stabbing with knives people in their minds!I can imagine her with her community of fellow “deep souls” understanding this weird way of speaking.
I doubt if she is a Borderline. It actually looks like she has some sort of a thought disorder. I am thinking more in terms of the Schizotypal Personality Disorder you discussed the other day. There’s something really wrong with her thought process and it’s not just that she’s zero logic and pure emo. Hell, millions of women are like that. She doesn’t even get the point of what you are saying. They give people proverbs and ask them to interpret them as part of psychological testing. Schizotypes tend to interpret the proverbs in similarly bizarre ways as this woman does.
I would like to know a lot more about her and I would be curious about how well she functions in life in general, in friendships and relationships and at work/school if she does either at all.
The sexes have different ways of going mad.
We artsy types are weird but most of us aren’t nuts!