I love my dog, but he's got a special funk that's all his own. It doesn't take long before a throw blanket takes on his distinguishing scent but at least that can get tossed into the wash.
Carpets... not so much. We all know that baking soda is great for getting out odors and there are plenty of recipes on line that add essential oils to it. I decided to go right to the source for a natural, pet friendly carpet deodorizer with herbs.
I love using Lavender around the house and I never seem to stop finding ways! Here's a post I did up using my favorite herb:

My yoga mat has never smelled nicer since I came up with this...

And now my carpets smell fresh and amazing too! If your going to grow just one plant in your garden, grow Lavender!
Check out this simple recipe for a natural deodorizer with this versatile herb!
How adorable is my pooch? I should share the bloopers for that video shoot just for laughs... but he did a pretty good job. First he's doing blog videos than he'll be off to Hollywood

When it comes to Plants...Think Outside the Pot!