If you haven’t done something you’re afraid of doing, then you haven’t fully lived your life. You haven’t realized your potential. That’s why we always urge our readers to go adventuring even once in their lives. Adventures actually make you realize that you are more capable, resilient, or stronger than you think you are! One of the best adventures that you can try out that is not too easy nor too difficult is canyoning in Samar.
Our good friend Halourd as well as bloggers Lai of The Little Lai and Fathema of Little Pinay Explorer arrived in Catbalogan the night before and decided to join us in this adventure. We had an impromptu afternoon snack of barbecued mussels and a dinner of hot, spicy tinola before dozing off.
Everyone got out of bed early, enjoyed a hot breakfast, and rode a tricycle to our jump-off point in Barangay Andres in Catbalogan City, Samar. We walked on the same farm trail that led to Central Cave where we had an amazing adventure a year ago. On the way, we met locals carrying farm produce and other personal equipment on jury-rigged backpacks (called buyot) made of rattan baskets. We grimaced at each step they make; without padding material and ergonomic features, it must be a pain hauling these giant buyots. Yet, they do this every day without complaints.

Walking on the giant water tubes that pump water to Catbalogan City was both fun and frustrating. Balancing on their curved surface shot slivers of pain through our feet.
The city enjoys a night limitless supply of fresh, potable water thanks to the powerful Bangon River. Hopefully, the locals will keep the river clean and protected for all time.

Midway on our trek, we had a short break just before Bangon Falls. At the time of our presence, the waterfalls was calm, like a sleeping baby. We can even see the underlying bedrock. But we have witnessed this waterfall wake up to a raging, dangerous monster when we first saw it last year. And that monster truly kills.

After an easy one-hour trek, we reached the Catbalogan City Water District, our jump-off point. We rested a bit before gearing up for the activity. We had a little bit of honor being the first users of some brand new Conquer PFDs.
Joni briefed Lai, Fathema, and Halourd about the nuances, dangers, and safety protocols in canyoning. He also taught them how to rappel safely down a cliff.

Ready? Let’s go! The first challenge was getting to the first rappel staging area, which involved a balancing act on the only non-slippery feature of the water pump station. Trust us—those large pipes and that embankment are extremely slippery. But those didn’t seem to hamper Joni and his co-guide at all.

I volunteered to go down the 30-foot embankment first so I could take photos of the others from below. Most importantly, I went down first so I could belay the others, stopping their fall in case they lose control of the rope.

One by one, the team carefully descended down the first canyon, the first waterfall, and the first stage of our river adventure. It was just the first rappel activity, but they were totally in high spirits, especially Lai and Fathema. Well, who wouldn’t? Done safely and properly, recreational rappelling is absolutely fun.

Once everyone was in the river, we started heading downstream back to our jump-off point. A lot of the canyoning adventure involved trekking down the mossy riverbed. Our trekking shoes could hardly grip the mossy carpets, so we walked on submerged areas where pebbles and mud made the surface easier to walk on.
Note the shallow and calm water, which was a far cry from the mighty flash flood we experienced last year. We were quite worried because it was drizzling that day, but Joni explained that in Bangon River, flash floods only happen when it has been raining heavily for several days. Thanks to lush forests and untouched mountain ranges that surround Catbalogan City, the large amounts of rainwater are absorbed or blocked before it funnels down the canyons in the river.

Some of the waterfalls that line up Bangon River are not really tall, ranging from 15 to 20 feet. However, their pools and beds are quite shallow. Jumping straight down from the top of these waterfalls can be dangerous. Thus, a rappel line needs to be set up for safety.

The canyon walls teem with life! Colonies of tiny freshwater snails cling tightly on the rock face. Are they edible?

You might wonder, how are canyons formed? Well, just like anything with Mother Nature, the formation of a canyon involves a natural carving process that often takes millions of years. Water or wind erosion cleaves out canyons. The sculptors are usually fast-flowing rivers, but in colder climes, water seeps through crevices between rocks and freeze underground. Eventually, the accumulation of frozen water pushes the rocks apart, causing huge slabs of rocks to break off the canyon walls.

Canyons usually form in areas that are rich in limestone due to the rock’s easily soluble nature. Since Samar is full of limestone karst formations, it is only natural that canyons, many of them undiscovered, cut across the landscape.
A canyon retains its shape because the rock strata, or the layer of rock below the surface, is harder and more resistant to erosion than the topsoil.

As we trekked downstream, we came across an old concrete bridge that spans across the river. The bridge may look rickety, but for locals, this is a vital structure. It allows them to cross the Bangon River without having to walk through a circuitous route to ford the waterway. The bridge also allows them to cross the river safely in the event of a flash flood.

Another cliff which we had to rappel down. Smooth look can be deceiving, and abseiling down this one was particularly tricky due to the extremely slippery bedrock. It is important to look at where you’re stepping so you won’t slip and slam into the rock. Check out the small waterfall at the far end of the cliff.

That’s a nice view from above. It may not look high, but trust us: for inexperienced people, this might as well be a hundred feet high!

After a while, we arrived at another beautiful waterfall with an estimated height of about 20 to 25 feet. But Joni didn’t set up a line for us to rappel. Is there a trail in the woods so that we can go past it? No! Joni, with a mischievous smile, said we need to jump to the pool below.
Except for Halourd and me who are used to jumping from heights, trepidation and anxiety showed in everyone’s faces, particularly Sweetie who doesn’t like jumping from heights. In fact, the team had a lengthy discussion on who is going to jump first. And everyone had great hesitation when it was their turn to make the jump. Hahaha!

Well, there was no other way. Everyone HAD to jump! Eventually, everyone conquered their fear and successfully made the leap to oblivion. I’m proud of our team.

Further along the river was another cliff where we were required to jump. Silently, I was a quite worried about jumping here even though it is shorter than the previous waterfall where we leapt off. That’s because there’s a sharp outcropping that jutted out prominently from the rock cliff. We had to take care and aim correctly so we wouldn’t hit the outcropping.

After another short jump and a trek, we arrived at the top of Bangon Falls where we’ll have a light snack. This also an emergency exit point; if an accident happens or if someone wants out of the canyoning route, they can climb a short access trail which leads to the main farming trail.

It was close to lunchtime, no wonder why our tummies were grumbling angrily. We had a snack of sweet suman (steamed sticky rice with coconut milk and wrapped in banana leaves), which sat comfortably in our tummy. However, this suman was extra special; there was an accompanying packet of thick, hot latik (carmelized coconut cream) which was poured on the suman before it was eaten. We must say that it was the best suman we ever had!

After snacking, it was time to move on. And to do that, we jumped 40 feet off the calm Bangon Falls. Everyone seemed to have gotten used to jumping from the top of the waterfalls, and they seemed to like it! Wohooo! Go go go!

Is Halourd a superhero? Does he have superhuman powers? Telekinesis? In all photos we’ve taken, he seemed to be levitating off the waterfall! Eerie!

Superb work, team! We successfully made our jumps, and Joni was proud of us! For some of our team members, it was another lesson brought about by experience.
Everything that is worth doing looks frightening at first. But once you take that first step, you will then see the thrill, excitement, satisfaction, and joy that lay down beyond the confines of fear.

One more hurdle to overcome, and we’re finally going home! Yehey! One of the nicest things about this cliff is that the rock face is not slippery despite the appearance in the photo.

Despite the snack, everyone was excited to taste a hot, filling lunch at the Trexplore headquarters, a sumptuous feast of food that Rain prepared for us. No wonder everyone was all smiles. No wonder why everyone rappelled so quickly.

It was good timing. As soon as we rappelled off the last waterfall, rain began to pour. We could actually feel the water’s flow becoming stronger. Fortunately, the exit trail lies just a few minutes away from the river.

We exited the river and met the local porters on the main farming trail where we took off our equipment. One of the best and noblest things about Trexplore is that Joni actually helps the locals by providing them supplementary income. For example, he pays locals for co-guideship and portage services. Habal-habal, tricycle, and van drivers earn from the clients (fare is usually included in Joni’s adventure packages).
Most importantly, Joni helps promote Samar in a significant way. Through his efforts, the region is beginning to be known as a major canyoning and caving destination in the country by Filipinos and foreigners alike.

Special Thanks
Again, we would like to thank Joni for being an awesome guide and his team of locals for being awesome co-guides and porters. You all make this canyoning in Samar a safe and successful adventure for those who want to seek thrill. You have shown to the nation and to the world how beautiful this part of the country is.
Thank you too to our good friend Halourd and fellow blogger Lai and Fathema for being awesome co-adventurers.
We’re pretty sure that you have something that you want to do in your life. You may want to climb a dangerous mountain, explore a business endeavor, court that beautiful lady, raise a family, or so. But the survival instinct that is hardwired into the human brain prohibits you from doing so. Now, we’re challenging you. For once, turn a deaf ear towards your perceived limitations. Defy the little ghosts that say “no” to what you want to do. We assure you, you’ll be grateful that you took on that leap.

Itineraries, tips, and budgets to follow