Hair & Beauty Magazine

Camo Jeans

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh
Camo Jeans Camo JeansCamo Jeans Camo Jeans Camo Jeans
Tshirt - ASOS
Shirt - Ebay
Jacket - F&F
Jeans - ASOS (ON SALE)
Boots - Missguided (not available, but similar ones here from Topshop)
Bag - Ebay
Necklace - Vintage find
Another outfit post using some long lost pieces of my wardrobe, these camo jeans. I brought these before christmas last year and have probably worn them around 5 times. When i brought them i didn't want a camo print to out there, and these are perfect because of the muted tones of greens and greys. Me being me i love plain black trousers and sometimes get scared to wear patterns on my bottom half as i am always worried that they don't go with anything else i am wearing, but today i was feeling brave and wore my checkered shirt around my waist to give it an 'grunge' feel. They don't go together in the slightest but i kind of like the pattern clash. Also it was a bit chilly so later on in the day i wore the shirt underneath my trusty leather jacket.
Have you found any pieces of clothing that you have forgotten about? maybe you should route around you never know what you might find. Leigh xo

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