Lifestyle Magazine

Calling All Shropshire Brides-to-be!

By Claire
Calling all Shropshire Brides-to-be!

Jen­nifer Bone at My Lit­tle Wed­ding Shop in Bridg­north with one of her own creations

Estab­lished last year by Jen­nifer Bone, a trained cos­tu­mier who designs her own dresses as well as sell­ing those of Lyn Ash­worth, My Lit­tle Wed­ding Shop seeks to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment which is warm and con­vivial.  Here brides-to-be are greeted on arrival with the offer of a cup of tea and home­made bis­cuits, all served by Jen­nifer using the pret­ti­est bone china.

That said, make no mis­take, the envi­ron­ment may be relaxed and Jen­nifer very easy-going, but the atten­tion to detail and level of cus­tomer care is second-to-none. For  Jen­nifer skills aren’t just cre­ative.  She also has con­sid­er­able project and event man­age­ment expe­ri­ence which she draws upon to offer brides-to-be a com­pre­hen­sive wed­ding plan­ning service.

But you don’t need to take my word for it because last week­end H2B and I vis­ited My Lit­tle Wed­ding Shop and filmed Jen­nifer in situ.  So over the next few weeks will run­ning a mini series all about the prod­ucts and ser­vices offered by Jen­nifer. I hope that you’ll enjoy your vir­tual visit to My Lit­tle Wed­ding Shop as much as we enjoyed our non-virtual one, and per­haps might even be inspired to take a trip out to My Lit­tle Wed­ding Shop to meet Jen­nifer for your­self in per­son.  Or alter­na­tively, if you live near to Wolver­hamp­ton,  drop in at the Vin­tage and Hand­made Wed­ding Fair which is being held at between 11.00 — 4.00 at Wolver­hamp­ton Art Gallery on Sat­ur­day 31 March .  I know Jen­nifer would be delighted to see you.

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