whole wheat cookies with jaggery baked in rice cooker

whole wheat cookies with butter and jaggery,baked in rice cooker.
Few weeks back i bought rice cooker for quick use in case of fuel outage and also to prepare multiple recipes at a time.Initially want to bake something using pressure cooker after seeing some videos in youtube and i stumbled upon the post from +Kurinji kathambam who posted millet cookies using rice cooker.But every brand has different settings and temperature,mine take 20 minutes to bake on both sides.And also made some chocolate chips using rice cooker,on request from V.so made those cookies too with jaggery powder,i bought from Chennai during my diwali trip.Follow your rice cooker instructions and bake the cookies or cake according to the temperature.

After a long time i baked these cookies nearly 2 years and no more baking then,just tried and came out perfect so shared here.stay tuned for some more no bake recipe ideas for this festive season:)

Used jaggery powder in the recipe,you can use ordinary jaggery too,but make sure powder it finely before adding it to the recipe.Butter cookies are really melt in mouth category ,so added butter and a pinch of salt will do magic when you are using jaggery in sweets.This tasted awesome and all of them were finished by V.Make this cookies in oven too with 180 degree Celsius for 10 to 12 minutes.I shared another recipe using jaggery for this season,chocolate sauce with jaggery,check that recipe for more ideas.lets move on making the recipe.,
