Creativity Magazine

But His Boxes!

By Vickilane
But His Boxes!
Facebook is overflowing with memes of the boxes stacked in a (tacky) bathroom at Mar a Lago. The one featuring Gollum seems especially appropriate to the Former Guy and his acquisitive propensities.  And then I saw the one that photoshopped Putin and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia into the photo, happily seated on the boxes and reading the sensitive classified material. And it stopped being funny.
But His Boxes!
Now there are recordings of the Former Guy, showing off this classified material to random people. And it's clear that these boxes were not in a secure location--rather they could have been accessible to any of the rag tag hangers-on who show up at Mar a Lago. 

Or to anyone with access to a copy machine. Who knows what damage has already been done, what damage is yet to come?Whether the Former Guy is using this information to make 'deals' or just using it to bolster his fragile ego isn't yet clear.What is clear is that he is a danger to our country.LOCK HIM UP!

But His Boxes!

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