Creativity Magazine

Busker The Street Musician Prepares For An Explosive 4th of July

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

Time to call Busker–everyone’s favorite street musician– back for an encore.

I drew Busker for about three years, back in the 90′s. Most of the gags involved Busker playing his saxophone, but occasionally he’d have a non-musical adventure.

This particular gag was for American Independence Day, July 4th, also known here simply as The Fourth. Fireworks are a big part of our 4th of July celebrations. Here in New Hampshire, you can buy some pretty high-grade firepower at outlet stores.

Do I shoot off fireworks myself? No. I’m an illustrator. I only blow up things on paper.

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Panel 1 of Busker the Street Musician 4th of July comic strip, guy lighting cigar, throws match away, match lands on fuse leading to huge armful of fireworks being carried away from fireworks outlet store by Busker

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Panel 2 of Busker the Street Musician 4th of July comic strip, guy lighting cigar, throws match away, match lands on fuse leading to huge armful of fireworks being carried away from fireworks outlet store by Busker


Panel 3 of Busker the Street Musician 4th of July comic strip, guy lighting cigar, throws match away, match lands on fuse leading to huge armful of fireworks being carried away from fireworks outlet store by Busker


Panel 4 of Busker the Street Musician 4th of July comic strip, guy lighting cigar, throws match away, match lands on fuse leading to huge armful of fireworks being carried away from fireworks outlet store by Busker

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Do you attend fireworks displays? Do you always forget to bring bug repellent??

Ever shot off any fireworks yourself? If so, do you still have all your body parts??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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