Creativity Magazine

Busker: How The Street Musician Honored His Dear Ol’ Ma On Mother’s Day

By Mrstrongest @mrstrongarm

As mentioned in previous posts, I did a cartoon strip about a street musician named Busker back in the mid-90′s. Busker was a little guy who wore a beret and played the saxophone. The strip was for a local arts and entertainment paper, and ran for about three years.

The early strips usually had Busker playing his saxophone on a street corner. Later, the gags got more elaborate and involved non-musical settings.

Here we see Busker doing his best to honor his mother on her special day. A very Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!!

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Street musician Busker standing next to cop staring at mean tough women in police lineup

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Mean tough old ladies in police lineup including Busker's mother

Street musician Busker whispering to big policeman

Big policeman holding on to Busker's mean old hardened criminal mom, presenting her to Busker who's grinning, trying to pretend he's happy to see her

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Busker's mother wearing ball and chain, Busker escorting her to fancy restaurant for Mother's Day brunch

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Do you have a special Mother’s Day routine?

Did you ever serve your mom breakfast in bed on Mother’s Day?

Have you ever had to pick your mom out of a police lineup??

Hope you’ll leave a comment.

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