Hair & Beauty Magazine

Burgundy & Fur

By Obviousleigh @Obviousleigh

Burgundy & FurBurgundy & FurBurgundy & FurBurgundy & FurBurgundy & FurBurgundy & Fur
Shirt - MatalanCardigan - PrimarkLeggings - H&MShoes - PrimarkNecklace - Primark
I decided on a really warm outfit today, layering is a must to keep an outfit fashionable and still warm. I picked up this shirt/blouse from Matalan a few weeks back and couldn't decided what to wear it with as the pattern is quite unusual. I paired it with my new boots & cardigan from Primark. The shoes are perfect as the red tones from the lining of the show match perfectly to the shirt. When I brought the boots I didn't realize they had such a cool lining so now I fold the top of them down to show it off, what do you think about the boots? Leigh xo
P.S - the winner of my Fashion blogger top trumps give away Is Shona Doolan.. Congratulations I have emailed you. 

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