Lifestyle Magazine

Bubbles and Bunting at Barrington Hall, Cambridge Wedding

By Claire

From the illus­trated sta­tionery to the lovely lit­tle bub­bles, through to the adorable lit­tle boy in a suit and then the mag­i­cal first dance, the details of Linh and Tom’s wed­ding day are caught so beau­ti­fully by Peter­bor­ough wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Georgi Mabee.

Linh and Tom have writ­ten a great wed­ding report to share with you, so I’ll leave you to enjoy their story along with Georgi’s lovely pic­tures. This is fab­u­lous — I hope you love it too.

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (1)

Linh and Tom’s Cam­bridge wedding

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (2)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (3)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (4)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (5)

Who pro­posed, and how?

Tom pro­posed at Gidleigh Park, a Tudor style coun­try house hotel in Devon, sit­u­ated on the banks of the North Teign River, sur­rounded by Dart­moor National Park. It was sup­posed to be a “birth­day” sur­prise week­end away.

Linh should have known some­thing was up when they trav­elled down to Exeter on the train in First and got picked up from the sta­tion in a car pro­vided by the venue. After arriv­ing, Tom, ner­vous that one of the staff at the hotel might acci­den­tally give the game away, hur­riedly ush­ered Linh into the grounds “let’s go for a walk while they are prepar­ing our room”.

So they dropped their bags and went for a walk down to the stream that passes through the beau­ti­ful, forested grounds. It was all very pic­turesque and roman­tic. Then, to Linh’s com­plete sur­prise and amaze­ment, Tom got down on one knee took out the ring (a halo micropave dia­mond ring he chose him­self). Linh man­age to gasp out a “yes” but was oth­er­wise speech­less (unusual for her), so sub­sti­tuted by giv­ing him a great big hug instead. Tom bought the ring from Blue Nile — bet­ter value for money for the same qual­ity of stones / metal.

They cel­e­brated with a cham­pagne pic­nic, a walk on Dart­moor, and a divine din­ner at the double-Michelin starred Hotel restau­rant

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (6)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (7)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (8)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (9)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (10)

Wed­ding venue styling and details:

Teal was cho­sen as the main color theme. Linh’s friend Nadine hand-made the the bunting (all 150m of it!), in beau­ti­ful bold colours with the teal theme run­ning though it. The effort (includ­ing one sewing all-nighter lead­ing up to the wed­ding) was well worth it as it they looked gor­geous in the mar­quee on the day. Nadine also co-ordinated with Linh’s chief-bridesmaid and cake-maker Ming, to repeat the same pat­terns on the teeny tiny bunting dec­o­rat­ing the cake.

As two of the brides­maids had recently given birth, fit­tings and mea­sure­ments which were bound to change over the months lead­ing up to the wed­ding would have proven tricky, so she opted for “infin­ity” dress styles in stretchy heavy jer­sey fab­ric. This also meant that the brides­maids could per­son­al­ize their dresses and wear them in what­ever style they felt most com­fort­able in.

The tables were named after Eng­lish coun­try houses, reflect­ing Tom’s love of his­tory and their shared love of his­tor­i­cal build­ings. Inci­den­tally, Tom’s fam­ily gifted the cou­ple with National Trust life­time mem­ber­ships, which they were delighted to receive.

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (11)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (12)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (14)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (15)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (16)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (17)

Wed­ding venue: Bar­ring­ton Hall, Cam­bridgeshire

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Georgi Mabee

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Easy-going, prac­ti­cal, fun but traditional …

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil? Religious

Which read­ings did you choose? Song of Solomon 2: 10–13, and ‘The Pas­sion­ate Shep­herd to his Love’ by Kit Mar­lowe.

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (18)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (19)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (20)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (21)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (22)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (23)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (24)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (25)

Wed­ding day highlights

  • Say­ing our vows, the speeches, the first dance.
  • Bub­bles being blown at us when we were leav­ing the church.
  • Being sur­rounded by fam­ily and friends, many of whom trav­elled to be there from all around the world. Tom’s fam­ily live in Cam­bridge, most of my fam­ily live in Perth, West­ern Aus­tralia, and came over for the wed­ding, as did a bunch of my friends.
  • Read­ing through our guest scrap book (com­plete with polaroid pho­tos, stick­ers, etc.) when it all finished.
  • Being able to walk straight across the road from the Church to the Hall.

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (26)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (27)
Tom wore a morn­ing suit with neck­tie and but­ton­hole. Hav­ing done the rounds at bou­tiques and sam­ple sales, Linh in the end opted to go second-hand. She wore an ivory v-neck silk dress, with lace and dia­mante detail­ing on the back, by Augusta Jones, which she found on, which was almost a per­fect fit, made per­fect with a bit of alter­ation, and for less than half the price of a a brand new dress.
Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (28)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (29)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (30)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (31)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (32)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (33)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (34)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (35)

Mem­o­rable moments:

Watch­ing the kids play on the bouncy cas­tle (and hav­ing a go our­selves). Tom’s sec­ond cousin Sam, push­ing over the giant Jenga just as the adults reached the denoue­ment! Our first dance (swing dance to Paolo Nutini, Pen­cil Full of Lead) was a high­light, and slow dance later on to The Wed­ding Song, by Angus & Julia Stone. The gor­geous sky at sun­set (big thanks to Georgi for point­ing it out and tak­ing us out for some sun­set pic­tures).

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (36)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (37)

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

We spent weeks hav­ing fun decid­ing (and at times, heat­edly debat­ing) on the playlist of the DJ, a com­bi­na­tion of mod­ern, cheesy and cur­rent pop favourites. There was also a slideshow of our pho­tos from birth to present day in one of the main rooms in the hall itself. We wanted to empha­sise the fun, relaxed and child-friendly envi­ron­ment so ordered in a bouncy cas­tle (a big hit with both the chil­dren and adults), giant gar­den games, and a kids’ creche dur­ing the three hours of din­ner and speeches, so the par­ents could also relax and enjoy them­selves.

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (38)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (39)

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (40)

Wed­ding day advice:

Keep a sense of humor. Stuff will go wrong, but you’ll be sur­rounded by fiercely loyal friends and fam­ily who will swoop in to put it right. It will all make for a great story one day. Be prac­ti­cal and try not to get swept away by all the press and media — after your wed­ding, you’ll still have bills and mort­gages to deal with. Also, remem­ber that it’s not just your day — it’s everyone’s day; you’ll end up enjoy­ing it more that way.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

A spe­cial thanks to Georgi for tak­ing such beau­ti­ful pic­tures. We loved her nat­ural style, and lots of peo­ple com­mented admir­ingly about how unob­tru­sive she was and how you barely noticed she was there.

And finally, whilst not an offi­cial “sup­plier” we would give a spe­cial men­tion to Joy Richard­son, as wed­ding helper extra­or­di­naire, in help­ing to sort out the bits and pieces that Linh and Tom (both liv­ing in Lon­don and work­ing full time jobs until just before the wed­ding) didn’t have time to do, not to men­tion sewing in the 8 bus­tles into the dress to ensure that Linh wouldn’t trip and fall dur­ing the first dance.

Cambridge wedding by Georgi Mabee (41)

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