I promissed myself, no I swore and vowed, that I wouldn't buy another nailpolish before I'm finished with those I already have! It's such a shame when I have to thow away a half full bottle just because I wasn't using it often enough to finish it off. I hate it when I have to do it! So I decided to stay strong and not allow the temptations get the better out of me and stay away from nailpolish. Oh well... obviously I failed! Just saw this bottle of Essie Lovie Dovie and couldn't leave it there on the shelf!
It's the prettiest rose petal pink or flamingo pink as Essie describes it on their website. Application is very smooth and the polish has very creamy consistency, giving a very opaque color and perfect looking nails for at least 4 days (field tested! haha). I'm extremely hapy I bought it, not regretting my impulse even a tiny bit! Perfect color for spring and summer.