It's safe to say I don't do a great job of remembering to take pictures of fun and healthy recipes I try at home. However, this one was so good, I couldn't pass up sharing!
If you follow me on Twitter, you may know that I really love the 'Trees + Raisins' salad from a local deli. I think I have tweeted about it twice even... It's that good.
However, I knew that their particular version was probably loaded up with sugar and not the healthiest.
So I took it upon myself to make a healthier version at home, where I am aware of all the ingredients going into it and won't feel guilty about enjoying it.
Here is a typical ingredient list & recipe for the salad:
6 cups raw broccoli (in small pieces)1 cup raisins (can use golden)1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds1 cup chopped red onion1/2 cup crumbled bacon (can use turkey bacon)1 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup sugar2 tbsp white vinegar
In my version, I omitted sunflower seeds (only because I didn't have them on hand). I used olive oil mayo and instead of sugar and vinegar, I ended up using a raspberry vinaigrette.
Whisk mayo and vinaigrette together. Pour over the rest of the ingredients and stir until evenly coated.
I prefer to let it sit over night in the refrigerator to let all the flavors sink in.
And thats it! Super easy and much healthier than the original version.
I'm enjoying meal prepping for the week and it a great way to stick to my healthy diet.
Happy hump day y'all! :)