Fashion Magazine

Britelites Review + Swatches

By Suma @ThFabJunkie
Britelites Review + Swatches
Hey Loves! 
Hair chalking isn't anything new. When you have celebs like Kylie Jenner or Nicole Richie changing up their color in a blink of an eye- you wonder how you can keep up. I have tried a few brands out there and I have to be honest, they can be super messy. I mean, who wants blue powder all over their bathroom? I know I don't!
I was excited when Sara from britelites which is based down in Florida contacted me. She was willing to send me a few colors to try out and the first thing I said to her was "my hair is really dark, I'm not sure it will work" and she reassured me that it will and the product is designed for people with darker hair! I was very intrigued. They have been sitting on my dresser for a few weeks now and I was ready to try them. I was also kind of scared that it wasn't going to work and I would have to tell you guys about it. BUT that DIDN"T happen and impressed, doesn't even describe how I feel!
Britelites Review + Swatches
Britelites Review + Swatches
Check out the product in action! 

Britelites Review + Swatches

Britelites Review + Swatches

Turquoise shown here

I could NOT believe how amazing the color pay off was! britelites was FAR from messy (unlike your everyday hair chalk). I didn't wear any gloves when I swiped it in my hair, so I did get some on my hand. I used a little soap and water to remove it. Worked perfectly! The easy twist up (think deodorant like) container worked flawlessly. I did swatch the other three colors in my hair because to be honest, I couldn't help myself. I notice the blue and the turquoise showed up the best but all of the colors did work well.

Britelites Review + Swatches

L to R: Turquoise, Purple, Blue and Red

If you are looking for a fun change for this summer then britelites is for you! I am so happy I had the chance to try this product and it's even better that I LOVE it! Check out their site for over 10 different shades! Until next time..............................................

Britelites Review + Swatches

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