Lifestyle Magazine

Bridal Accessories: Something Old, New, Borrowed And Blue

By Mahnoor Malik @MahnoorMalik90

 Bridal Accessories

Many traditional brides like to stick to the age-old tradition of having something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue on their wedding day. The tradition is steeped in history and goes back to the 1300s when brides would have all four of these items as a symbol of good luck. With something old, new, borrowed and blue, a bride was said to have good luck and would go on to have a happy marriage.

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What does it all mean?

Having something old was said to symbolise the remembrance of your life before marriage. Carrying something new represents the new life that you are about to embark on with your husband. By having something borrowed, you are reminded that you and your husband have other people to go through life with. Something blue was said to be a symbol of fidelity and purity. Some brides don’t continue with this tradition, but many brides are sentimental about wedding traditions and prefer to stick to them. Although some brides like to have all four items separately, it is customary for brides to have more than one value in each accessory, for example, an old blue piece of jewelry.

Something old

Family heirlooms are an ideal choice for something old as they have sentimental value. What’s more, vintage items tend to be of higher quality and will stand the test of time on wedding photographs. Maybe you could wear a broach that has been passed down over the generations, or fit it into your hairpiece or bouquet. Alternatively, you could wear something from your own mother’s wedding day on your own. Once again, this has sentimental value and is likely to have beautiful vintage style.

Something new

In most cases, the wedding dress itself is the something new. If you opt for a vintage dress, pretty much anything can be your something new – headpieces, shoes or jewelry.

Something borrowed

As already mentioned, family heirlooms or items that your own mother wore at her wedding are a great choice as they solve something old and something borrowed in one go. Some brides choose to only wear their veil during the ceremony, which may make it quite an unnecessary expense. If this is the case, why not borrow a veil from a friend or family member? This way, you save money on something you’d only wear for an hour and you have your something borrowed covered!

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Something blue

If blue isn’t your color scheme, you may be wondering how to fit this vibrant color into your wedding attire. There are in fact many ways to subtly add some blue to your outfit. Earrings are a subtle way to add a splash of color without being overbearing and ruin your color scheme, particularly if you are wearing small, subtle earrings. If you don’t want to add any blue visually to your outfit but want to stick to tradition, the safest option is to go for a blue garter. It won’t have any impact upon your color scheme but you can be assured that you’ve completed the set by wearing something blue.

Melissa Stockman is a bridal and wedding blogger. She recommends for wedding accessories.

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