Environment Magazine

BREAKING: Undercover Investigator Charged With Animal Cruelty for Videotaping Farm Abuse

Posted on the 23 November 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

by Will Potter / Green is the New Red

An undercover investigator for the animal protection nonprofit Compassion Over Killing is being charged with animal cruelty for filming animal abuse of newborn calves in Colorado.

Taylor Radig worked at Quanah Cattle Co. in Kersey, Colorado, and covertly filmed calves, some so young they still had umbilical cords attached, being kicked, thrown, and slammed onto trucks. Video footage was released by the group on November 13th, and on November 15th criminal charges were filed against three men shown abusing the animals.

At the time, Sherriff John Cooke said ”We still have work to do. We want to make sure we have identified all the suspects and all the parties to determine if we need to make other arrests.”

Today the Sherriff’s department announced additional charges were filed against the young woman who filmed the abuse and turned over the footage to the police.

In a press release, the police admit as much: “The video footage was eventually provided to law enforcement by representatives of Compassion Over Killing approximately 2 months after Radig’s employment ended with Quanah Cattle Company… Radig’s failure to report the alleged abuse of the animals in a timely manner adheres to the definition of acting with negligence and substantiates the charge Animal Cruelty.” Radig is also accused of participating in the abuse.

Read the rest of the story on Green is the New Red

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