Books Magazine

Breakfast in Bed Saturday

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Alright bloggers, I have a confession to make.  The “Beyond the Bookshelf” Saturday posts were taking a lot of time I don’t have out of my blogging time budget and I’ve run out of motivation to set them up because it’s time consuming and stressful.  I’d really like to continue having a post every day…but I’m just not sure what to post about.  Every other day of the week seems to have a pretty solid post (and by that I mean it’s something I like posting about)  but Saturdays are just kind of that extra day I don’t know what to do with.

So Saturdays are going to be a little bit of a mixed bag from now on while I try to figure out what I want to do with Saturdays.  I feel like I already have plenty of book/writing posts so I’d like to turn Saturday into another craft day… Today’s trial post: inspired by Sunday’s “What to Read This Week” here’s a “What to craft this week” post, or maybe coveted crafts?  I like alliteration…  Oh well, here we go.

Here are some patterns I’d love to stitch this week.  All of the patterns this week come from  because that is by far one of the most epic and fabulous cross stitch pattern sites out there.

Breakfast in Bed Saturday

This pattern comes from artist Jasmine Beckett-Griffith who is by far one of my favorite designers.  All of her patterns are epic, fabulous, and fantastical.  I’d stitch them all if there was enough time left in my life to stitch them all.  The finished design is 7 x 7 inches and the pattern contains 84 colors and is only 13 pages, which makes it one of JBG’s simpler and smaller patterns.  Favorite part?  The butterflies of course, and the different iris colors that have been mixed together. Price: $9.00  Order it now.

Breakfast in Bed Saturday

I know it’s a little early for Christmas, but now that summer is coming to a close I’m already trying to get my Christmas patterns in line.  I usually just do Christmas cards and probably will again this year, but I just love this Christmas pattern.  At 9 x 12 inches on 25ct cloth it’s much larger than the first pattern and contains a ridiculous 88 colors.  Which means all these layers of blue and white and very, very detailed.  It comes from designer Ruth Sanderson, I haven’t seen any of her other works but this one looks so cool I’ll have to check out some of her other patterns.  Price: $12.00 Order it now

Breakfast in Bed Saturday
This next pattern is even larger at 16 x 23 in on 25 count fabric but contains only 83 colors.   It comes from designer Selena Fenech.  I’ve seen her patterns before and love the way she incorporates soft colors and fantasy elements to create these ethereal designs.  At a ridiculous 50 pages this is the kind of pattern that takes years and years to complete.  But let’s be honest…for all of stitchers out there it would be time well spent.  Price: $19.00 Order it now

Breakfast in Bed Saturday
The last pattern I’ve picked out for this week is the most insane of them all.  Featuring 88 colors and 89 pages of pattern at 25 x 33 in on 25 ct cloth I’m not sure I’d ever be able to finish this monster pattern.  But oh to have a completed one.  This is probably the most diverse pattern color wise as it includes a variation of every color in the spectrum.  Aptly named “The Dreaming Tree”  this looks like somewhere you would go after following a fairy through the woods in a trance. I love how each side has it’s own individual effects, with the sunlight on the righthand side and the moonlight and water on the left.  This design comes from the mind of Aimee Stewert’s Foxfire Designs.  Price $19.00 Order it now

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