It’s no secret that the average household generates a fair amount of empty boxes, many of which end up in the trash. Waste is one thing however that we crafters have a responsibility not to make! There are lots of things that cardboard boxes can become; think robots, towers, cars, houses, and the contents for play-time grocery shops. One of my all time favorites however, is the box monster. What you’ll need to make a box monster:
one medium sized cardboard box per child,
googly eyes, and
an assortment of craft accessories to decorate the box with (wool, popsicle sticks, short pieces of tinsel and glitter are all good.)
To make your box monster: simply hand each child a box, and then let them at the craft station with the instruction to create!The great thing about this craft project is that boys and girls both love it, children can learn about up-cycling, and it's good parent-training. 'Why?' I hear you ask. Because as parents we can't help but open our mouth to offer suggestions when we watch them craft. Of course we only want to teach our children and help them improve their artwork, but who says their work isn't perfect already.The great thing about monsters is that the normal rules of 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 mouth and so on don’t apply so their imaginations can run wild. It means that you can (and should) sit on your hands, sip coffee and stay out of it; whatever they make is perfect.When they're finished, remember not to praise it with hollow sayings such as; "how great," or "good job." Sure, it's nice to say, and it will puff them up for a moment, but it doesn't go any further than that and even tiny ears can detect a brush off. Try instead to ask questions, "ohhh... does your monster have a name? Where does it come from? Hold it up and show me how it moves, what sounds does it make? Which bit is your favorite part?" and so on. You'll get a much more engaging conversation, and you might have your first real belly-laugh of the day.So go on; whether it's a space-party-craft, in preparation for Halloween, a rainy day something, or just because you can't bear to add more to local landfill; why don't you let your little monsters make box monsters of their own today!