When it comes to hunting with a bow, you have to be pretty careful about where you’re firing your bow. This applies to every animal that you hunt. If you’re looking to hunt something other than deer, you’ll want to make sure that you understand exactly what you’re doing and not just basing it on what a good shot for a deer looks like. This is especially true when it comes to hogs and where you need to shoot them. There are several differences and similarities between hogs and deer that you will want to keep in mind when you’re out hunting for a hog.

The similarities start with where the vital organs are located. The general vicinity that they are in is roughly the same, but the placement of a boar’s vital organs are a little farther forward than that of a deer. This can often trip up hunters that are just starting to go after deer. The slight change means that you’re going to have to adjust where you’re shooting.
Shooting lower on the body and closer to what would be considered an armpit are often going to get you the best shots. There are many archers out there that have stated that the perfect heart shot might feel just a little too low down on the hog for it to really make a great impact.
Because of the similar placement of the vital organs, the two best angles for shooting a hog are also the two angles that you will likely want to use when hunting a deer. The angles are quartering away and the broadside.
Unlike deer, you will want the quartering away angle to also have the hog’s front leg forward. This will provide the clear view of where the heart is on the hog.
However, there are angles that you will want to avoid when you’re hunting a hog. These angles are shared with deer. If you have a straight on view of the hog or the hog is facing completely away from you, then you will not want to fire your bow at them.
Hogs are known to be a bit more of a nuisance or pest in some areas, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t treat them with the same respect that you would give a deer or an elk. Any shot that you take at a hog should be as accurate as you can get since they are slightly smaller and have a slightly different placement of organs. If you’re having problems getting clean shots when you’re hunting, then you may want to find a foam or cardboard target to practice on. Getting a cleaner shot will ensure that your hog will go down quickly and in the most humane way possible.
When it comes to a hog, the differences really matter for how clean of a kill you are going to be able to get or the kind of blood trail that you are going to be able to follow. The biggest difference between a hog and a deer is how you want to approach your equipment.
Hogs have thicker skin and more fat than deer, so you’re going to want an arrow with a broadhead that can really punch through the hog’s side. Even when you manage to make a good hit on a hog, you may still run into issues if the hog manages to get away. Because of the fat that they have, even if you got a nice hit, the hog may not leave the best trail of blood. The fat will block the wound and thus prevent the trail from appearing clearly.
This issue is one that you should deeply consider when you’re looking for a broadhead for your gear. You will need something that can make a nice wound that the fat won’t be able to block.
You will also want to make sure that your set up can pack a punch. Whether this means getting a bow that will fire arrows more quickly or a heavier bow that will deliver a sturdier punch is up to you and your budget. However, you will need to make sure that your tools are up to the task. The kind of broadhead that will leave a nice wound on a deer may not be enough to even get a good blood trail on a hog.
The other thing about hogs is that you will have to be aware that larger hogs will be harder than most to take down. Larger hogs have typically survived for a longer period of time and dealt with things like fights with another hog. This can lead to a buildup of cartilage in spots where you might least expect it. If you are looking to hunt a larger hog, then you will want to especially aim to get a quartering away angle on the animal. This will be the angle where you are most likely able to take down the hog.
When it comes to hunting with a bow, you have to train for the different kinds of animals that you are hunting. A good shot on a deer won’t be the right kind of shot for a hog. Whether you’re having to invest in new gear, or spend time at the range perfecting your shot, you will want to make sure that you spend enough time getting your accuracy right.
Once you are used to taking down hogs, then you will find that it’s really rewarding. They are fun to stalk, pretty common, and make good meat. And once you have started hunting hog, then you will see why all the time was really worth it. As long as you keep in mind the differences, I’m sure that you’ll be well on your way to doing the best hog hunting possible.