You know when you find a product you really fall in love with and you want to shout it from the rooftops?
OK, you might not all be as mad as I am, but when I like something...I like it a lot!
I recently came across the Ionic Clay Mask from the Botanics range in Boots and remembering reading about it on some of my favorite blogs, I decided to give it a go. I haven't bought a new face mask in a long time, as I find my skin doesn't always react well to them. I have uber sensitive skin and for some reason, masks always make me either break out or makes my skin go all red and dry.
What I loved about this mask is the fact that 1) it doesn't break the bank (it comes in at under £6) 2) you only need to use it once a week and 3) there were not a lot of nasties in the ingredients.
I picked up a tube and trotted home, where I used it in the evening after removing my make up and cleansing with the normal Bioderma and Liz Earl Hot Cloth Polish. The instructions recommend applying to clean, dry skin and leaving on for 10 minutes before washing it off. I left it on for slightly less than 10 minutes - right after the clay turned hard and started to crack when I smiled. A quick wash off and my skin was clear, squeaky clean, bright and refreshed! I finished off with my Pixi Glow Tonic and Origins Ginzing moisturiser and was left with very happy, very clean skin.
The clay in the mask really draws out impurities and leaves you feeling fresh and clean, without feeling dried out.
This is the first Botanics product I have tried and I really loved it! Have you tried this mask? What are your top budget masks? Enjoy x