hosted by Booking Through Thursday
This week’s question:
Have your reading habits changed since you were a child?
Did you devour and absorb books when you were 10 and only just lightly read them now?
Did you re-read frequently as a child but now only read new books?
How about types of books? Do you find yourself still attracted to the kinds of books you read when you were a kid?
The short answer is yes and no.
My reading habits have changed a little bit. I think I read about the same amount or more now because books are easier to acquire for me now. Ebooks make it simple to read without a trip to the library or bookstore and obviously I can afford more books now that I’m an adult. I read more now because I’m not in school discussing one book at length. I usually only read one book at a time, so when I read books for school, I would only focus on that book until we were done with it. So, while the focus and time spent on books is the same, I am able to read more books throughout the year.
I devoured books when I was younger and I still do. I've always read quickly, too. And I've always been able to get sucked into a book effortlessly. I did used to reread more, but I think I don’t as much due to the ease of getting new books. I definitely reread less as a book blogger because so many books are begging to be read and reviewed. I still try to make time to re-enjoy favorites, though.
My taste in books has always been all over the place, so that’s a tough comparison. While I stick to many of the same genres, like science fiction, I also read other genres I didn’t before. I think my tastes have also shifted because of access to more books and more books being written in the genres I enjoy. The explosion of YA has definitely helped and given me access to many premises I enjoy without being as rigid inside of their genres as adult novels seem.
My differences in reading have less to do with me and more to do with the way books have changed over the years and the way the internet and technology has revolutionized reading. Everything, including books, is easer to get to these days than it was when I was a kid. And also, reading feels “cooler” to me now than when I was a kid, but perhaps it’s because I’m more integrated into a bookish community. It’s easier to find the next book to read with social sites like Goodreads and I don’t have to rely as much on family and friends to help guide me to my next book.