Books Magazine

Book Tag – Shelfie by Shelfie #9

By Bibliobeth @bibliobeth1

Book Tag – Shelfie by Shelfie #9

Image edited from: <a href=”Frame">Frame" rel="nofollow">”>Frame image created by Jannoon028 –</a>

Hi everyone and welcome to a brand new tag – Shelfie by Shelfie that I was inspired to create late one night when I couldn’t sleep. If you want to join in, you share a picture (or “shelfie”) of one of your shelves i.e. favourites, TBR, however you like to organize them, and then answer ten questions that are based around that particular shelf. I have quite a large collection and am going to do every single bookshelf which comprises both my huge TBR and the books I’ve read and kept but please, don’t feel obliged to do every shelf yourself if you fancy doing this tag. I’d love to see anything and just a snapshot of your collection would be terrific and I’m sure, really interesting for other people to see!

Here are the other Shelfies I’ve done: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6  7 and 8

Anyway – on with the tag, here is the sixth shelf of my first bookshelf (I’ve chosen to split it up into two separate shelfies because of the sheer number of books, oops!). Here is the back shelf and we’re looking at the middle part of this image.

Book Tag – Shelfie by Shelfie #9

And here are the questions!:

1.) Is there any reason for this shelf being organised the way it is or is it purely random?

Like my last shelfie, this one kind of has some organisation. Kind of. I’ve got some authors grouped together like all my Persephone books (that’s the gray ones in the middle of the image there). I’ve also got all my Irvine Welsh books together, a couple of Stuart MacBride’s and a series by Ariana Franklin.

2.) Tell us a story about one of the books on this shelf that is special to you i.e. how you got it/ a memory associated with it etc.

I think I’m going to mention Irvine Welsh’s Porno. I had never read any Irvine Welsh before his most famous book, Trainspotting and Porno is the sequel to that. I think it was when I read Porno and probably Irvine’s book Filth, (which I think I’ve loaned to someone but I can’t think who – bookworm panic!!) that I realised I might not EVER be shocked by anything in a book ever again!

3.) Which book from this shelf would you ditch if you were forced to and why?

Difficult. I haven’t read many of the books on this shelf apart from a couple of Irvine Welsh’s but if I had to choose I’d have to go with the one I’m least excited about reading sadly, which would be Ghost by Robert Harris. I’ve read a couple of Harris books now and really enjoyed the last one I read, Conclave but am not super excited to pick this one up. I stand ready to be convinced though if anyone else has read and loved it?

4.) Which book from this shelf would you save in an emergency and why?

Can I cheat and say all of the Persephone books? They are a specialist bookshop in London literally minutes from where I’m working at the moment at Great Ormond Street and they publish mainly books from forgotten women authors. Their books have the classic sign of being gray and quite plain on the outside and on the inside they have very individual, beautiful endpapers and a matching bookmark. Like so –

Book Tag – Shelfie by Shelfie #9

5.) Which book has been on this shelf for the longest time?

I think that would be the series by Ariana Franklin that begins with Mistress Of The Art Of Death. Same old story, just haven’t got round to starting it yet!

6.) Which book is the newest addition to this shelf?

Newest addition would be Hot Milk by Deborah Levy. It was on a 3 for 2 offer in Waterstones near where I live and as I wanted to pick up another two books whilst I was there, it would be silly not to go for it. The bookseller really sold it to me as well and I’ve only heard good things.

7.) Which book from this shelf are you most excited to read (or re-read if this is a favourites shelf?)

I think I’m most excited to read Vinegar Girl by Anne Tyler. It’s part of the Hogarth Shakespeare series and is Tyler’s modern re-telling of Shakespeare’s The Taming Of The Shrew. I love the cover and am intrigued to give it a shot.

8.) If there is an object on this shelf apart from books, tell us the story behind it.

There’s no room for any object on this shelf unfortunately, it’s double stacked as a lot of my shelves are!

9.) What does this shelf tell us about you as a reader?

Like other shelfies I think it says that I enjoy a variety of genres like thrillers, historical and literary fiction and also have an appreciation for beautiful books like the Persephone collection!

10.) Choose other bloggers to tag or choose a free question you make up yourself.

I won’t tag anyone but if anyone wants to do this tag, I’d be delighted and I’d love to see your shelfie.

For other Shelfie by Shelfies round the blogosphere, please see:

Chrissi @ Chrissi Reads FAVOURITES shelfie HERE and her Shelfie by Shelfie 2 HERE.

Sarah @ The Aroma Of Books Shelfie 1A, 1B, 1C 1D and 1E

Dee @ Dees Rad Reads And Reviews Shelfie HERE

Jacquie @ Rattle The Stars Shelfie HERE

Stuart @ Always Trust In Books Shelfie #1 HERE.

Jennifer @ Tar Heel Reader Shelfie #1 HERE

Thank you so much to Chrissi, Sarah, Dee, Jacquie, Stuart and Jennifer for participating in Shelfie by Shelfie, it really means the world to me. Hugs!

If you’ve done this tag, please let me know and I’d be happy to add you to Shelfie by Shelfies round the blogosphere!

COMING SOON on bibliobeth : Shelfie by Shelfie #10


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