Health Magazine

Blogging is Dead… Welcome to My Blog!

Posted on the 19 July 2024 by Pranab @Scepticemia
Blogging is dead… Welcome to my blog! Blogging is dead… Welcome to my blog!

At the risk of giving out how old, and hence, non-hip I am, I must say, I have first been a lurker and then a furious contributor to the world-wide blogosphere in several different avatars since 2004. Starting blogging in the early aughts, when Blogger or Blogspot was all the rage, I am from the generation that grew up admiring the clean structure of "Grid Focus" template, and self-taught ourselves HTML so that we could tweak the boring ol' Google blog templates. Of course, for the first few years, I rarely blogged on the same platform for longer than a year - there was such a profusion of products to test out, that I kept dragging my posts from one platform to the next every year or so.

I could have been using this to write... the backspace-appreciation-machine

There was the fan-fiction favorite Live Journal, and the social network turned blogging platform that nobody like - Xanga. There was the major rage of Orkut, the Google-backed social network which amassed over 300 million users. The idea of writing notes or posts on social media and sharing every morsel of one's day with an apathetic world was just in its germinating stage in Orkut. Then there was MySpace, which was, arguably, a bit ahead of its time (I know people will hate me for saying this - but there it is! I said it!) - and its unapologetic approach to poor design choices, prime amongst which was the option to litter your profile with glitter. I am now only a slight bit embarrassed by the...

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