Politics Magazine

Blacks Have Closed the Black-White IQ Gap by 7.5 Points Already

Posted on the 13 March 2016 by Calvinthedog


From this piece which is written by Charles Murray, co-author of the famous book The Bell Curve, comes this very important study that shows that over the course of the last 100 years, Blacks have closed the B-W IQ gap by 7.5 points. As Murray is considered to be a hardline hereditarian who frequently debates liberals IQ environmentalists, the piece is not biased at all. In fact, we would expect it have a bias, if any, against any notion of Blacks closing the gap. Coming from a strong hereditarian HBD’er, this is probably a solid study as if anything the author would appear to be biased against the very conclusion of the study.

Any time a study reports the opposite of the researcher’s bias, you often have a good study. This is a case of a scientist setting out to prove a hypothesis and coming up with exactly the opposite conclusion that he expected, yet as a good scientist, he published it anyway.

A good scientist should always publish any study that goes against his hypothesis, no matter if it makes his hypothesis bad or not. Sure it makes his hypothesis bad, but so what? A hypothesis is a hypothesis. It’s not proof of anything. It’s just a hunch that somebody has that something might be a correct conclusion to a set of data. hunches turn out to be wrong all the time, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Further, a scientist who publishes a story that goes against his hypothesis will often get a lot of acclaim from his peers on the grounds that he had the guts to publish a study that makes his pet theory look bad.

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