Politics Magazine

Blacks Close the Achievement Gap in the UK

Posted on the 24 May 2018 by Calvinthedog

Ranting Patriarch: Where are you getting the idea that the black HS achievement gap is closed in Britain? That is a place where just being accused of racism lands you permanently on a police watch-list. You better believe they are cooking the books on black test scores, it could be criminally prosecuted to reflect / demonstrate / point-out any disparity.

Except that those achievement test scores along with IQ test studies have been showing the typical gaps in the UK forever now and no one has gone to jail for reporting the facts. Schools have been dutifully reporting on this gap year in and year out and it become a regular topic of discussion over there.

That’s a well established fact for a few years now and there’s been a lively debate on this all over the HBDsphere.

Check out Chuck at The Inductivist’s blog. He held that the B-W gap was genetic until the British scores came out. Then he changed completely and said it was no longer completely genetic because he said there was no reason for the British results other than environment. The hereditarians said that the British scores were anomalous and that they hardly contradicted countless studies showing a gap.

The achievement tests could be seen as proxies for IQ test results. I have not seen any IQ test results out of the UK that show a closing of the gap. However, one could argue that IQ tests are irrelevant and we should just go with achievement test results because the latter have shown to predict occupational success very well.

By the way, British children have even substantially closed the IQ gap by .4 SD.

And the youngest British Black children are even beating British Whites:

                 IQ at age 5

British Whites   100

British Blacks   106

Isn’t that amazing? However, upon hearing this, my mother said, “Ok, they’re smarter, but are they committing any less crime?” The sad answer is that in some ways, yes British Blacks are just as smart as British Whites right now, but the Blacks are still committing quite a bit of crime. Whether the rate went down with the achievement rise is not known. I suppose a cynic might say, “Great. We just a whole group of smarter criminals!”

Nevertheless, in the US, Black-White crime differentials are mediated by IQ. For instance, holding IQ constant at 113, Blacks have the exact same crime rate as Whites. One wonders why this is. If the crime tendency is genetic:

  • Do these brighter high normal Blacks have less genetic loading for criminogeneticity?
  • Or
  • Do they have the exact same loading except that once IQ gets high enough, it “overwhelms” criminogenic tendencies with various inhibitory, etc. factors that “ride along” remora-like with increased intelligence?

I favor the latter explanation. I honestly think that with increased Black intelligence, a lot of the Black problems discussed in the previous posts would lesson. Increasing intelligence tends to fix all sorts of problems, especially the ones discussed in that post.

One could argue that rising Black IQ would be paralleled by rising White IQ, and now you have an arms race that ends up with the same gap. As the saying goes, “If there’s a tiger chasing me, I don’t have to outrun the tiger. I just have to outrun you.”

On the other hand, even if a gap remained, a smarter Black cohort here and across the globe should ameliorate a lot of Black issues. I think that might especially be true in Africa. If we could raise African IQ by 1 SD, I think they would be able to deal with their issues so much better, and the continent would not be as much of a clusterfuck as it is now. 70 IQ Black Africa looks like a runaway train racing into a dark tunnel to a deadly crash ahead where the light fades out.

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