I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Thanks to my sweet hubby and beautiful daughter, mine was fantastic! Since my birthday falls on a weekday this year, they spoiled me with lots of birthday fun this weekend!
Saturday we ran some errands, did a little shopping, and spent some quality family time at home. In true kiddo fashion, Belle has a gazillion toys but loves the remote. Luckily, her wonderful grandparents had an old remote that they shipped her. This way she can chew to her hearts delight without mom having to worry about her getting to the batteries or dad having to worry about her reprogramming the TV!

Saturday night, they took me out to dinner to one of my favorite BBQ joints, Black's! We went to the one in Lockhart, TX while I was pregnant, but we had never tried their second location here in Austin. It did not disappoint. Again, we brought Annabelle plenty of toys to play with, but plastic spoons were much more interesting!

Sunday morning, I met up with my friend Erin for a run. She is training for a marathon in April and was doing an 18 miler (I know, she's a total bad a**!). Since I haven't ran since my 1/2 marathon in December, I was a little worried about how my hips would hold up (and I didn't want to slow her down), but they felt great and I gabbed her ear off for 7 miles and then she continued on her way. It was the perfect way to start my last day as 26! Thanks for letting me join you Erin!

After our run, I grabbed a speedy shower before the tiny human woke up. Then it was a quick breakfast for her, protein shake for me, and we were off to the grocery store to try to beat some of the Super Bowl madness. It was busy, but not too bad. Ms. Belle had a lot to say while we were shopping and pretty much had a running commentary going the entire time. This picture was mid one of her very entertaining stories.

When we finally made it home from the grocery store, Belle was ready for her morning nap. She napped while E and I finished getting ready. Once she woke up, it was time for brunch, but first she had to get dressed in her super cute new outfit from Grandma and Grandpa George.

As you can tell, she's a big fan of the new threads! :) We headed to brunch at my all time favorite spot in Austin, Wildwood Bake House! It is a 100% gluten free bakery and restaurant. They have the most delicious cupcakes, cakes, cheesecakes, muffins, and breads, and on Sunday they do a to die for brunch buffet! I'm talking everything you could ever want... migas, bacon, potatoes, french toast, waffles, biscuits, pulled pork, and so much more.......... and it's all gluten free!!! I am so used to not being able to eat things, I passed right by the biscuits and then when I saw it on Eric's plate I was like, "wait, I can try that!" Hahaha! I was in gluten free breakfast Heaven!

Belle had a great time a brunch as well. She's getting to the point now where she is a lot easier to take to restaurants. She still doesn't really get the concept of inside voices when she tells us stories in baby language, but she's getting there.

Belle was ready for nap round 2 when we got home from brunch and so were dad and I since we were stuffed with gluten free french toast (AH-MAZING)! Belle napped for about an hour and a half then we had to take advantage of the beautiful day (it cleared up since my rainy morning run). We went for a family walk around the neighborhood with the pup to try to help burn off a little brunch. Dad got a little dramatic when I asked him to cover up Annabelle with a blanket, but she didn't seem to mind. :)

We spent the rest of the evening doing laundry, grilling, and watching a slightly disappointing Super Bowl (I was routing for the Sea Hawks). It was an absolutely amazing pre-birthday weekend with my sweet little family. I feel like I am the most blessed girl in the world to be surrounded by so much love! I hope you all have a marvelous Monday!

What did you do over the weekend?
Are you a brunch fan? If so, what is your favorite part of brunch? The GF french toast was definitely my favorite this week!
In health,