Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Birthday Love!

By Jenrene

  Well, I turned 48 yesterday, October 4, 015 .  And my husband was very honorable towards me.  He wrote  48  things he loves  about me.  I also  hash-tagged  #48Lessons for all the  wisdom I  have received in the past 48 years.  Check it out in another  cool blog post I will add here, soon.

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To the Woman of  My Dreams and the Love of my life on her 48th birthday!

Here are 48 I absolutely love about you:

1. You have a beautiful smile.

2. You have an even more beautiful spirit.

3. You are kind.

4. I can trust you with my heart. 5. I can trust you with my innermost thoughts. 6. You make your own vulnerability a strength.

7. You are strong in spirit. 8. You don’t give up when things get hard.

9. You don’t hide, when the stuff gets real!

10. You are creative.

11. You are articulate.

12. You are your own woman.

13. You are a parent of parents.

14. You are determined when need be.

15. You are wise enough to know when to be flexible.

16. You listen well!

17. You know how to compromise your position, without compromising your values.

18. You know how to have fun. 19. You work hard when it is important to do so.

20. You don’t make excuses.

21. You don’t judge or gloat even when you are right!

22. You make my world beautiful!

23. You have an eye for the aesthetic.

24. You empower and encourage instead of putting down and emotionally beating people down.

25. You give from a place of abundance without counting it as loss.

26. You slow dance with me even when there is no music.

27. You give hope when things seem hopeless.

28. You take me out of my comfort zone and empower me to grow.

29. You are my best friend. 30. You are my confidant. 31. You are my intimate lover!

32. You are my travel companion on the journey of life.

33. You are patient in the midst of my impatience.

34. You model life balance and inner health.

35. You are adventurous.

36. You are a leader among followers.

37. You are faithful.

38. You are faith filled.

39. You are my Rib.

40. You are my “Good Thang”.

41. You are my warmth when it’s cold.

42. You are my Designated Cuddler.

43. You are my prayer partner.

44. You are my prayer warrior.

45. You are my play mate.

46. You are my business partner.

47. You are the Apple of My Eye.

48. But most of all…as I sang to you when you walked down the aile and into my life forever…”You are So Beautiful to Me!” God bless you baby for being you. Happy Birthday! And may God grant us to celebrate many, many more!

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