Biology Magazine

Sexual Selection in Humans: Beards, Chins and Maps
Many researchers believe that certain human traits act as a signpost, advertising the fact that the individual has good genes, or is healthy, or just generally great. Read more
Sexual Selection in Humans: Beards, Chins and Maps
Many researchers believe that certain human traits act as a signpost, advertising the fact that the individual has good genes, or is healthy, or just generally... Read more
The 07 May 2013 by Reprieve
Human Cows and Human Evolution
People used to think of a ladder, with species gradually evolving upwards until they arrived at the perfection that is humanity. Read more
The 10 May 2013 by Reprieve
My Pet Theory About the Human Nose: Breastfeeding
Why is the outer nose shaped as it is? Why don't humans just have two holes in the face, rather than this protuberance that we care so much to have the right... Read more
The 22 May 2013 by Bjornostman
Landowners’ Braai
The Primate and Predator Project works across a number properties within the Southpansberg Mountains thanks to the support of many local landowners. Read more
The 21 May 2013 by Iratemonkey