Politics Magazine

Bigfoot News May 28, 2014

Posted on the 28 May 2014 by Calvinthedog

Aaron Arcand spills the beans on Todd Standing, the Alberta Habituation Site, Matt Moneymaker, Melba Ketchum, David Paulides and other assorted sleazeballs. This post will feature the testimony of Aaron Arcand, one of Canada’s top Bigfoot researchers, up there with Sasquatch Ontario and John Bindernagel. I would add Todd Standing, but he is too scurrilous to get a mention.

Here Aaron uncovers the ugly truth about the Alberta Habituation Site now featured in TV shows like Bigfoot North and Survivorman. The location is given as Nordegg, but the actual site is a bit a ways from that town. In this post, Aaron will describe what a scoundrel Todd Standing really is. He will also reveal some sleazy behavior by Matt Moneymaker, Melba Ketchum and David Paulides, no strangers to sleaze and calculated, cunning amorality in the past.

About the Todd Standing – Adrian Erickson – Matt Moneymaker vignette below regarding the Matilda footage, some clarification is in order. Adrian was in fact not there when that footage was taken. It was taken a by a woman in her late 20′s named Sissy who resided on the property. Matt was not involved in any possible hoax that Sissy may have perpetrated, but Matt was probably the one who initially acquired the footage and then sold it to Erickson.

Todd Standing’s Radium Creek, British Colombia research location is apparently the site of Todd’s “Sylvanic” area.

The Alberta Canada Habituation Site

In the heart of Alberta’s foothills of the Rockies, there is a plot of remote wilderness which by some has been described as possibly one of the best Sasquatch research locations in North America. There has been a lot of talk recently in regards to this location, and I would like to set the record straight. I am in the unique position to do this because I am Aaron Arcand, and I am the one who invited Todd Standing and showed him the location but not before spending two and one half seasons there on a regular basis conducting both day and nighttime research.

In the spring of 2011, I met a Sasquatch enthusiast, I’ll call him KW. KW introduced me to an area he had learned about from a trapper friend of his. It has been said that I poached this area from KW. Not true. KW showed me this area with the willingness for me doing research there because he does not go out very often. KW gave me the area. According to KW, the trapper had several notable experiences in this area, described below, before selling the trapline to his cousin or brother or someone like that. The person who bought the line is not trapping it either, come to think of it, I’ve never seen anyone else out there with the exception of the odd quadder down by the river.

Anyway, the trapper according to KW, has had the following sightings and encounters there. I am unsure of how long the trapper trapped there as he apparently stopped trapping there because of Sasquatch issues.

The trapper apparently had seven daytime sightings, and it is possible he saw one or more of them more than once. This does not necessarily indicate that there are seven Sasquatches in the area.

One of the sightings was described by KW to me as follows:

The trapper was out there doing his thing, and he suddenly found himself surrounded by some Sasquatches who were screaming at him. The trapper fired a shot in the air to let them know it was him. Immediately following the shot, a large male Sasquatch came out from behind the trees and began to charge at him. While the male was in full charge, the female also showed herself. When the male saw the female, he stopped dead in his tracks, they looked at each other, verbally communicated, and then disappeared back into the trees. KW said the incident was so traumatizing that it was the last time the trapper trapped in that area.

The above described incident provides a piece of very important intel about Sasquatches, and this is how I interpret what happened. The trapper fired a shot in the air to let the Sasquatches know that it was him. The male Sasquatch thought the trapper had shot his female Sasquatch partner, and charged at the trapper in retaliation. In mid-charge, the female Sasquatch stepped out from behind the trees and showed herself to the male Sasquatch as well as the trapper. Upon seeing the female Sasquatch, the male Sasquatch stopped charging at the trapper. The male and female Sasquatches then communicated and disappeared into the trees.

This can only mean one thing: the Sasquatch is a logical thinker. Once the male Sasquatch realized that no harm had come to the female Sasquatch, he backed off.

According to KW, the trapper also attempted to get pictures with a game cam using a pile of coyotes which is favored dish of the squatches. The first game cam got destroyed, smashed to bits and pieces which were scattered in the bush in the surrounding area, no SD card was found, and the coyotes were all gone. A second setup with two game cams was put
in place. Now, if the smashed camera was done by a Squatch that tells me that Sasquatches can sense the electromagnetic frequencies coming from electronic equipment, and they do not like it.

The two camera setup also provides some interesting intel. The first game cam was set up on the coyote pile while the second game cam was setup on the first camera. Upon return, the trapper discovered that something approached from behind camera two and physically turned the
camera on the tree to face away from camera one. Something actually grabbed the camera and turned it away from camera one. There were even scrape marks on the tree from the friction of the game cam being turned. As for game cam one, aimed at the pile of coyotes. Destroyed. No SD card found, and the coyotes were gone. This, if done by the Squatches, also provides some very interesting intel depending on how you want to interpret it.

That’s all I was told from KW about the trapper, however I am leaning towards betting that the trapper has had other encounters and most likely knows more about the behavior of the Sasquatch than any other Sasquatch researcher.

KW showed me the location and a few of the structures along the road that goes into the area. He also showed me some pictures of a dome shaped type structure that was also discovered along the road about ten yards in the bush which was surrounded by stool samples of which KW had collected a large quantity. KW had given me a small bag from what they had collected, and it is now in my freezer.

KW also told me of campers in the past that had made remarks about hearing strange howls in the area, and some have been scared out of the area. KW also ran into a pair of hunters who were on their way out of what I call Ground Zero Sasquatch Country. KW could see it in the hunters faces and body language that something was wrong. The hunting pair asked KW if he was going into that area and warned him that if he goes back there, he may get killed.

They went on to say that it was not safe to go into that area, we are leaving, and we are never returning anywhere near here again. Well, knowing what he knows about the area, KW assumed that the pair of hunters had some sort of close encounter with one or more Sasquatches. I agree with KW that something strange happened to these two guys and it involved the Sasquatch phenomenon.

So after introducing me to the area, KW asked that I keep the location secret, especially from Matt Moneymaker and the BFRO. And I did. For the seasons of 2011-July 2013, when, due to the strong activity and aggression I experienced, I did not feel safe being there by myself, so I asked KW if I could bring Todd Standing there. KW said no.

After KW said no, I was going to respect his decision even though I really did not need his permission because the location is Crown Land. But next I was told that KW was attending the 2013 BFRO Alberta expedition, and plans were for KW to bring the BFRO there. When I learned of that, all bets were off. So I contacted Todd Standing via his website, and I invited him out to my area.

Now, some may ask why the hell would I invite Todd Standing? He is a liar, a fraud and a hoaxer. Well, I am the type of person who judges people by what I know of them and not what others say, so I invited Todd Standing so I could judge him for myself. As it turns out, that was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.

In the 2nd week of July 2013 I contacted Todd Standing and invited him to come out to my area and check it out. So Todd came out there as a guest, I made it clear to him he was a guest, and he understood that. We spent the weekend there, I showed him everything that KW showed me as well as all the tree breaks I had discovered, and in addition, we had some activity of our own as well. I have brought this to the attention to the world of Sasquatch researchers, and since then Todd has been calling me a liar but has unable to prove his claims. However,  I am able to prove that Todd is lying to everyone, including Jeff Meldrum, John Bindernagel and Les Stroud.

These are his lies:

Todd is passing the area off as his discovery, found via his research. This is a lie. Todd did not discover this area. He was a guest of mine after I had been researching the area for three years. The proof of this lie can be found in the first episode of Survivorman Bigfoot as well as on his Bigfoot North show.

Todd stated on his Bigfoot North show that he had been researching the site for six months prior to bringing Jeff and John there. This too is a lie. The first time Todd was there was in the second week of July 2013. Proof of when I first brought Todd to the area is on an Internet forum, and I will tell Robert Lindsay where to find it so he can confirm it. I will not state its location in this article for fear of that post being removed in an attempt to discredit me.

Todd has claimed to be the one to discover the tree structures and tree breaks. Also a lie. The tree structures were shown to me by KW, and I showed them to Todd. The tree breaks he claims he discovered were discovered by me and shown to him. Even when we were out there together, new tree breaks and a new 13 inch track was discovered by me. He was there at that time also; however, I was the one to see and point out these things.

Proof of this is also online and again, Robert Lindsay will confirm. After showing the area to Todd, he has been passing of the research findings of KW and myself as his own. He is using our research findings to vindicate himself of his earlier hoaxes. He is unethical, has no morals, and is a media hound who is trying to get rich off Sasquatch.

Bottom line. Todd Standing is a liar.

Above are three proven lies told by Todd. If you fuck a chicken once, ok. Twice, fine. Fuck a chicken for a third time and people will call you a chicken fucker. Well Todd has publicly told three proven lies, and the only conclusion anyone can come to is that Todd is a liar, and his credibility is once again tarnished. There is not one person out there who can prove anything I said is a lie.

However, I can prove that everything I have stated in this article is 100% true. So, Todd Standing, if you are reading this, Even though it is Crown Land, you are not welcome there and, if I see you there I will have you arrested and removed from the site. I have done the research and know exactly how to accomplish this. Stay away, for you are not welcome there.

A Dentist Comes to the Habituation Site

On my second outing with Todd Standing, he invited a man by the name Brian S.,  a dentist from Calgary – Todd’s own dentist as a matter of fact. Brian S. arrived at my primary research area prior to Todd. I was caught off guard because I was unaware that Brian S. or anyone else for that matter was coming out there. However, Brian and I hit it off right away. We have spent many hours together out in the field since we met that day, and much of that was with just he and I without Todd.

Truth be told, Brian was invited to meet John and Jeff and he is fully aware of everything that that has transpired. Brian also thinks that what Todd did to me was a really shitty thing to do, and he also knows that everything I have stated is the truth. Brian and I have done lots of research together, and we have some big plans for this summer that do not include Todd Standing. Brian is a dentist. He has a doctor title. He is a pillar of his community. Does this sound like a person who would go out in the remote wilderness alone with a delusional crazy lunatic who tells nothing but lies? I don’t think so.

Todd’s Stories

On the first outing with Todd Standing in my primary research area, he had many things to say about other Sasquatch researchers. Now a lot of what he had to say I had already heard before. It was the usual hate talk that goes on in the world of Sasquatch research. However, there was one very interesting thing he had to say on the topic of Dr. Melba Ketchum and the Erickson Project which also involves Matt Moneymaker. Here is what he had to say.

Todd told me that he went down to the states to do some research with Dr. Melba Ketchum and her psychic boyfriend who I have been told is apparently none other than David Paulides. While he was there, Melba apparently put forth a strong effort to get Todd to divulge his financial backer. Todd thinks she was trying to poach his financier. At one point during his visit with them, he noticed her Paulides looking at the tags on his luggage. Paulides later tried to use the information that gleaned from the tags in a phony effort to convince Todd that he really was psychic – all part of an effort to get Todd to give them some money to Paulides and Ketchum.

Now for the juicy part.

This involves the Erickson Project. Todd also told me that he saw Adrian Erickson’s footage while visiting Adrian at his home. He stated that while watching it on Adrian’s big screen, he noticed the closeup face shot of Matilda, which to me looks like a Chewbacca mask. According to Todd, he noticed that when Matilda’s mouth moved, you could see the teeth bend which would suggest a mask and therefore a hoax. He pointed this out to Adrian. Adrian agreed and responded by calling Matt Moneymaker and giving Matt crap about their discovery in the footage. Matt responded by saying, “Oh, just edit out the last 2 or 3 seconds. Then it will be ok.”

Now, if what Todd told me is in fact true, then this would mean that Adrian was not present when the closeup footage was taken, and it also suggests that the footage was hoaxed and that Matt Moneymaker was involved. Interesting!

In conclusion, I would like to state that I have already proven that Todd Standing is a liar and therefore it is possible that he is lying about these incidents as well. But on a second note, what if he actually told me the truth about this Adrian Erickson stuff? I doubt it, but if he did tell me the, WOW, what blockbuster news.

Todd’s Research Areas

When Todd and I were out, another topic he discussed was his research sites in Montana and near Radium Creek, B.C. These were discussed in the context of the upcoming Les Stroud show. He was moaning about how he was not sure if he was going to be able to take Les to his sites due to problems with both research areas. At the Montana Site, apparently a younger Sasquatch took over the group from the older one, and the new group leader moved the group out of Todd’s area to some other unknown location. Radium Creek was apparently was destroyed by the devastating floods in the spring of 2013. After I heard that, I did some research. The flooding did not affect the Radium Creek area. Another lie By Todd Standing.


I think it is sad that Todd Standing is getting recognition for the research findings of KW and myself. Now everyone can know the truth. I am very happy that John and Jeff were in my research area and got to experience this amazing habituation site. In fact, prior to me inviting Todd Standing, I have emails and LinkedIn conversations between Jeff and me on the subject of my research area, and I suggested my research area as a trial ground for the Falcon Project.

Amazingly, all this could have been avoided. All Todd Standing had to do was come to me and say, “Hey Aaron, I have made arrangements for Jeff Meldrum and John Bindernagel to come to look at your research area. They are going to be here from this date to this date. Come out during that time and join us. Oh and by the way, Les Stroud is also coming to film an
episode of Survivorman Bigfoot. You will not be in front of the camera, but we would still like you to come out with us.” Had this happened, I would have welcomed it with open arms, and Todd Standing’s reputation with me would have been golden.

But no, he had to be deceitful about the whole thing. He did not even mention my name to these people. He just passed everything off as his research findings. What a piece of shit he is.

Conclusion, Todd Standing is a proven liar.

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