Politics Magazine

Bigfoot News May 10, 2013

Posted on the 11 May 2013 by Calvinthedog

Update on the Rick Dyer story. The word out among the deniers of the Rick Dyer story of killing a Bigfoot is that the story has been exposed as a hoax, and it’s all over. No one believes it anymore, Team Tazer folks are leaving and being thrown out, and Dyer has left the Bigfoot community. It is true that some folks who were on the fence has moved over to the hoax camp. A tiny number who thought the story was true have also moved into the hoax camp. Team Tazer folks are not leaving. I am not sure if a few have been thrown out or not.

Bottom line is the story has not been proven to be a hoax at all. Shooting Bigfoot, the movie, was a disappointment, but only because we thought it would show excellent proof that Rick shot a Bigfoot. It did not do that, but it also did not prove that it was a hoax. Instead it left it up in the air. The last three minutes of the movie is shocking footage, and it in no way shows what has been proven to be a mask or a man in a suit. In fact, it does not look like either.

People still in the Dyer Camp. Facebook/Find Bigfoot, Chris Noel and I are still in the Dyer camp. FB/FB believes 100% in the story (they hold out a tiny % of a chance that Rick has pulled off the most unbelievable and impossible hoax in history), and I believe Noel does too, though it was hard to get him to put a % on it. I now believe in the story 90%, down from 100% before. But I still think there is some meat here.

Expert analysis of the Hank (the Bigfoot Rick shot) photo in Shooting Bigfoot. One photo of Hank from Shooting Bigfoot has been released. Minnow Films quickly told me and others to take it down and we did. I showed the still to a friend of mine who works in a museum with replicas. He is one of the world’s top experts in these model replicas. He said that the Hank still is not a man in a costume and it is not a mask. He said it is either a Bigfoot or it is CGI. However, if you look in the credits for Shooting Bigfoot, there are no CGI or special effects credits listed. Therefore, my friend assumes it is a real Bigfoot.

Stills from Shooting Bigfoot being analyzed. The FB/FB guys are going over 65 stills from the movie and analyzing them. They also have video taken from the movie. Their conclusion is that this footage is of a real Bigfoot, and it is at least as good as the Patterson footage and possibly better. Musky Allen has also seen all of these stills and he told me that cumulatively, they are better than the Patterson footage. I think that their analysis is correct, but I have not seen all of the footage yet.

FB/FB Breakdown of Shooting Bigfoot footage will not be released. This is because of take-down threats by Min now. Any footage released will be subject to a Minnow takedown threat, so it will not be forthcoming.

I will receive all footage from Shooting Bigfoot soon. I am due to receive all 65 stills from the movie along with video footage from the flick. I can’t tell you who I will get it from, but it won’t be from FB/FB or Musky Allen; it will be from someone else instead. This stuff is starting to float around the web now.

“Morgan Matthews proved that Rick’s story is a lie.” This is the latest denier story going around. Supposedly Morgan proved that Rick’s story is a lie when he said he did not help load a Bigfoot onto a truck and he did not help transport a Bigfoot across a country. Rick has cleared all of this up for us. Rick says that for some reason, Morgan never took any footage of Hank after he was killed. Morgan simply said they were done shooting for the night and were leaving in the morning. Rick said that Morgan watched the Bigfoot being loaded into the truck but he did not help load it. In addition, only Rick and his investors transported the body across the country. Morgan and his team left that morning.

You cannot buy a copy of Shooting Bigfoot from Minnow Films. Early inquiries to Minnow had them telling us that you might be able to buy a copy of the movie from them. However, the most recent word we heard from them was this:

“I’m afraid we aren’t selling copies of the film yet as we don’t have the distribution rights to sell the copies of the film as of yet.”

It looks like only BBC may have distribution rights to the film at the moment, unfortunately.

Hank’s body will be released on August 15. Lily Dyer has said that Hank will be released to the public on August 15. This is the famous date of the Rick Dyer 2008 Bigfoot hoax. This is not a coincidence and either means that Rick is going to screw us again on that date as an anniversary present or he is going to redeem himself on that date by showing us a real Bigfoot.

Chis Noel and FB/FB feel that Dyer is on a mission to be redeemed, and I agree with that view, as odd as it seems. The need for redemption for his sin or crime for whatever reason shows an interesting side to Rick that shows us that he has good qualities to his personality and he is not all bad. After all, only the good seek redemption for their sins. Whether the redemption is motivated by narcissism or by some higher mortal feeling is not particularly important.

Why doesn’t Rick release the body now? It’s not his to release. Apparently it is owned by either his investors or a Las Vegas casino right now, so it is not up to Rick to decide when or if to release the body. I am sorry it had to go this way – Hank landing in the hands of the capitalists. Would be a lot better to make a public display of donating it to the Smithsonian, perhaps, after first being proven real by say Jeff Meldrum or someone of that stature. The great scientific discoveries of our time are not exactly best served being owned by the profiteers.

Why did Matthews make such cryptic statements about Shooting Bigfoot? No one knows why Matthews made such cryptic comments. I have been asking around, but I have not gotten any answers yet. Here is the interview post-screening with Matthews.

The Bigfoot that attacked Morgan was only 6 feet tall. Supposedly Matthews said that the Bigfoot that attacked him was only 6 feet tall, and Hank is 8 feet tall. However, I am not sure that Morgan really made that statement and I am looking into it.

Dyer deniers still planting fake stories with me. I am still receiving fake stories from the Dyer deniers, probably the group around Don Boucher. The latest one was a photo of Hank supposedly from a relative of Rick’s wife Lily. This photo is obviously a Bigfoot mask. At this point, the Dyer haters are hoaxing us a lot more than Rick is.

FB/FB #2 Camper Video plus full sound. If you have not yet seen this excellent breakdown video, you really need to watch it. I liked it a lot.

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