Is the US Fish and Wildlife Service examining Bigfoot tissue? Some very interesting photos were published on Rhett Mullis’ Facebook page recently dealing with Rhett’s trip with Dr. Brian Sykes and his wife, Uhla (That is a Dutch name; she is Swedish-Dutch).
They went to see Justin Smeja, and Sykes took a sample from Justin’s boot where the baby Bigfoot bled on it. The problem is there has been some contamination after the incident. Justin continued to wear the boots for a while, and the worst problem of all was when he was fishing in a boat in brackish (partly salty) water, and the boat started to sink and he had to wade thirty feet in waist deep water to get to the shore. That’s not good for the blood on the boots.
They went to see a number of folks on their trip, including Steven Streufert of Bigfoot Books in Bluff Creek, California.
Then they went to see Ray Crowe in Washington. I heard that he was on his deathbed a while back, and they were counting down the days before he died. Then I heard nothing for a bit. Then at some point, he made a long comment on my blog. He had returned from the dead! Then he sent me an email asking if I would like a copy of his latest book, and he sent it to me. I has since written me a few more times, and I think he’s a really nice guy, and he’s also now my friend. Ray’s one of the finest souls in all Bigfootery, and apparently he and Rhett are close.
In these latest photos, Ray doesn’t look so great, but at least he’s above ground. How do you make it out of a certain deathbed, beat the reaper and get up and stroll the Earth for a while more? I don’t get it, but it sure is nice. Jesus is my main man, and I think he came back from the dead. It’s always nice to see others do the same as my main man. Walk in Jesus’ footsteps indeed, Ray!
They also, very curiously, went to the premier wildlife investigation lab in the whole US, the main US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) lab in Medford, Oregon. There they met some of the techs and spent quite a bit of time with Ken Goddard, the head of the lab. There are photos of Ken, Rhett and Brian posing with various artifacts, and there is one curious photo of Goddard posing with a photo of a Bigfoot drawn recently by a prominent Bigfoot artist.

Ken Goddard,head of the USFWS top lab in Medford, Oregon. Dr. Brian Sykes is in the background. He has enough warmth in his countenance to light up New York in a blackout. Guys like this may be the new wave of Bigfootery. I am getting tired of all these scoundrels and rogues.
None of this makes any sense to me unless someone knows something I do not know. The USFWS and the US government as a whole has never wanted to associate itself at all with Bigfootery, and they have done nothing but deny it if not ridicule it. Now here is the premier scientist at the top USFWS investigative wildlife lab in the US posing with some of the most prominent Bigfooters (who happen to be engaged in very cutting edge research about Bigfoot DNA) and holding up drawings of Bigfoots in a non-joking way.

Goddard holding up a drawing of a Bigfoot done by Thomas Finley. Goddard actually signed this drawing. If Bigfoot is a joke, Goddard looks like a complete moron for signing this pic and holding it up like a fool to the camera. He is a professional man with a sensitive career and can be canned at a moment’s notice for the slightest indiscretion. Goddard would not risk his career like this unless he knows something we don’t know. Which apparently he does. What does Ken Goddard know?
The only way this makes sense is if the folks at this USFWS lab now either believe in Bigfoot or think that Bigfoot’s existence is a serious hypothesis. What I am getting at here is that Ken Goddard and others at the lab appear to be taking Bigfoot very seriously right now for some odd reason.
Even more stunning is the notion that they may be working with Bigfoot samples at this very moment. Could they be investigating Bigfoot samples right now? Indeed they are, but these are more “purported” Bigfoot samples than real Bigfoot samples proven in one way or another. I can now report that Goddard’s lab is one of the official backup labs for Sykes’ Bigfoot study! How Sykes managed to get the US government involved in testing purported Bigfoot tissue I have no idea, but perhaps he can pull a few strings.
Recall also that Rick Dyer’s Bigfoot is being held at some sort of a government research facility somewhere near Las Vegas, Nevada. It’s guarded, and it’s hard to get into the place. Whether it is actually a government facility or not is somewhat up in the air. Dyer said it was not a government facility, but it may operate off government grants. A person very much in know about the facility described it to me as a “government research facility.” This person also told me that a team of government scientists have been studying Dyer’s Bigfoot for the past five months.
It stands to reason that if a US government research team has been studying the most bizarre wildlife creature in the US if not the world that the premier USFWS lab in Medford, Oregon may somehow be working in conjunction with this team to study the weirdest creature the woods have ever yielded.
However, upon questioning, Goddard said that while he had heard of the Dyer shooting, his lab was not analyzing anything from the shooting. Goddard was not even certain if Dyer had actually shot a Bigfoot. Goddard also stated that he had connections at other government facilities, and while it was possible that Dyer’s Bigfoot was at some state facility, he had not heard of it. Goodard also said that he was close to USFWS authorities in Texas, and he had not heard anything from them about the Dyer Bigfoot shooting or their involvement. The logical assumption is that USFWS is not involved in the Dyer shooting in any way.
Goddard’s lab deals specifically with wildlife crimes, hence they would not be involved in the Dyer case anyway as Goddard stated that no crime had been committed in that case. Goddard stated that shooting a Bigfoot is legal in all parts of the US except Skamania County, Washington.
At any rate, Goddard and his crew know something and are up to something. What do they know and what are they up to? They don’t seem to be denying the existence of Bigfoot anymore, based on their behavior. Now why is that? What in the heck is going on?
Dr. Brian Sykes now believes in Bigfoot’s existence 100%. After a trip to Washington state where Sykes and Rhett went to the property of Lori Simmons, Sykes experienced something while there that effected him so greatly that Sykes now says he believes that Bigfoots are real. What did he experience up there? Sykes is a prominent scientist and would not be given to making rash, off the cuff remarks for no reason. What happened to Brian Sykes are Simmons’ property in Washington?
To be updated later on.