August 1, 2013, admin, Family, , 2
Now Little Miss A is walking (sob) I thought she could really do with some proper walker shoes. I wasn’t expecting on having to make this trip so soon; I was hoping for at least a few more months before the expense of shoes hit us!
As it happened Granny came over to see us today and said she would take us shopping for Little Miss A’s shoes…
Having explained to the shop assistant that yes I was sure we wanted walker shoes (Little Miss A would not play ball and walk, I’m sure the shop assistant thought I was crazy!) she brought us out a large selection to choose from. It was quickly narrowed down to a couple of choices by discarding anything with buckles – no way will Little Miss A sit still long enough for me to try and do those up!
As with Little Mr A’s first trip to the shoe shop, it wasn’t the best experience! I had visions in my head of going shoe shopping with my little girl and thinking how nice it would be to choose something girly. Wrong! She kicked up a big fuss about having to sit still to have her feet measured and then have shoes put on! She would barely stand up to let the shop assistant check the fit, let alone take any steps! Looks like I’ll have to wait a few years before that ‘magical’ shoe shopping experience!
We did get some very lovely shoes though and an ‘official’ picture of just how grumpy she was on her first visit to the shoe shop!
And, we had lunch out afterwards which was a nice end to our shopping trip!
Has anyone ever had a nice first trip to the shoe shop?!