I am journeying through this year with strong efforts to make better choices with my food intake. In the past, I’ve eaten what I want when I wanted, and the results have been horrible. In 2017, I’ve found success in changing my eating patterns and have been making better choices for myself. I’m down 15 pounds, I’m stronger, I’m faster, and I feel great. I always consider myself a “work in progress” – God isn’t finished with me yet, and I have lots to learn even though I already get senior discounts in some places. Today’s lesson is about bread. Not just bread, but BFree Foods products.
Have you seen it in your grocery store? I have, and I was dying to try it so lucky for me, I was able to sample several variations of BFree Foods’ breads.
BFree was developed to bring tasty, good for you and non GMO breads to the market. These days we are learning more about how bread can make us feel poorly possibly due to sensitivities to wheat or gluten. But when gluten and wheat are removed from bread products, it is as if the ‘scaffolding’ that holds the structure together is pulled apart. That’s where BFree Foods comes into play.
It wasn’t enough for BFree to create products that were simply free from gluten and wheat, instead, they set out to develop a range of products that are free from all major allergens, that taste just as good as good as the normal conventional bread products AND have exceptional nutrition. And the icing on the proverbial cake? Their products that don’t crack and crumble mid meal.
BFree’s wraps, pitas and bread loaves have impressive ingredients like teff, which is low in sodium and great for those seeking to lower their blood pressure and maintain a healthy-heart diet. They also boast ingredients such as pea protein and quinoa seeds!
They are carried at Publix here in Florida where I live, and they are carried at Giant supermarkets up in Ohio where most of my family lives, so I’ll never be without. Because there’s only one of me and I received so many products from BFree Foods, I have taken several packages of the product and frozen them. I’ve taken them out of the freezer and used them, and they were just as fresh as when they went in, so I can testify to you that they freeze well too.
While I didn’t have a chance to do a bunch of experimenting with these products – YET, if you head over to BFree Foods’ social media sites, you can find some pretty incredible recipes. I can’t wait to check them out, but in the meantime, here’s a link to some pretty awesome looking enchiladas:
You can learn about BFree Foods products on their Official Website HERE. You can also connect with them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram too!
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