Fashion Magazine

Best T-Shirt Halloween Costumes of 2012

By Fibers @fibers

Happy Halloween! On this most festive of days let’s take some time to survey the coolest, most clever and original Halloween t-shirt costumes.

1. Super Hero Tee Costumes

Super Heroes are always a huge costume on Halloween, popular among kids and adults – but who wants to be tugging on spandex all night long. Thank God for comfy, forgiving cotton. This wolverine t-shirt costume is fun, clever and won’t give you a wedgie.

super hero, halloween t-shirt

Expecting a cold Halloween? Bundle up in this Wolverine Hoodie!

wolverine, hoodie, costume

2. Finn The Human from Adventure Time – American Apparel always has awesome costume suggestions featuring their ethically made garments. This one is a user submitted costume for their costume contest. I’m a huge Adventure Time fan and approve of the use of a plain blue tee shirt for this costume. Princesses Bubblegum and LSP aren’t bad either. Although, if I was doing LSP, I’d attach purple balloons all over me to make sure I looked extra lumpy.

adventure time t-shirt costume

3. Princesses Leia – This costume might be considered an easy cop-out, but if you can do the buns I say you’re covered with an over-sized white t-shirt. Once again, this is a user submission for the American Apparel costume contest.

Best T-Shirt Halloween Costumes of 2012

4. Napoleon Dynamite – This costume is just too cute not to share! This t-shirt costume is super easy to make and order from Use the black and white ringer tee-shirt and add the type in a red using the font: MC Cuba, from the retro category. Pick up a pair of over-sized glasses at a thrift shop and you’re well on your way to being the most awkward dancer at the party.

Best T-Shirt Halloween Costumes of 2012

5. The Che T-Shirt Costume – So far most of our costumes have been made from t-shirts, in this example the t-shirt is the costume, worn by Horatio Sans, and Jim Gaffigan thinks it’s hilarious.

Horatio Sans, Halloween, Jim Gaffigan

Those are our top pics for t-shirt costume this Halloween! If you created an epic Halloween costume from a custom printed t-shirt please send us pics to and we’ll give you a $5 off code toward your next purchase (never too early to start planning for next year).

Hope everyone has a healthy and safe holiday.

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