When it comes to Lipsticks, Revlon has been my favorite for a long time now. Their Super Lustrous Collection is so far the best in terms of formula and colors. And so when I spotted a much wanted lipstick shade, I had to get it.Today I am showing you one of my favorite Lipsticks, Berry Couture from Revlon Super Lustrous Lipsticks Collection.I wanted this shade for as long as I can remember and unfortunately only recently this showed up on Indian online sites.Anyhow, here’s the Swatch and what I love so much about this Lipstick –

Price - 550 R
Buy here - Flipkart and/or AmazonLustrous lipsticks don't tend to stay longer duration and its no exception with Berry Couture too. Despite of that, this stands to be my favorite. When compared to the gorgeous color and the soft smooth lips, re-applying or doing a touch up once a while is no big-deal for me. And this would be such a beautiful lipstick this Spring, I can see myself reaching out for it too often this season.Which Lipstick is your favorite this Spring?
Stay Beautiful....

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