Politics Magazine

Bernie Sanders on the Middle East: Catastrophic

Posted on the 24 March 2016 by Calvinthedog


He declined an invitation to go speak at the Jews Who Rule America, I mean AIPAC, Convention probably because the Likudniks there would grab him and drag him off the stage.

Bernie Sanders is a Jewish Cold War liberal. His foreign policy is about the same as what my father’s was. My father was also a Cold War liberal and a member of Americans for Democratic Action, a group made up of the left wing of the Democratic Party back in the 1940’s and 1950’s.

My father was great on domestic policy but terrible on foreign policy. Sanders is about the same. Keep in mind too that Sanders was Jewish. My father was as good as Jewish. He was a Judeophile who had all but converted in his mind. I was brought up with endless stories about how great Jews were from both of my parents who were each Judeophiles for much the same reasons.

I really could care less that Sanders is Jewish. So what! So he’s a Jew. So? Is there something wrong with that? Antisemites don’t get that there are good Jews and bad Jews.

Yes, a lot of Jews act like scumbags and spend most of their lives lying, cheating and stealing for a buck, for power or for the Hell of it.

Why they are so morally obtuse is not known, but it may have something to do with their primitive tribal religion, which is pretty nasty and amoral as far as religions go. A Jew who spends his whole life lying, cheating and stealing could very well still be a good Jew according to the Jewish religion as long as he did not lie to, cheat or steal from his fellow Jews. If he did these things to Gentiles, that is no great moral matter. In fact, it is of no concern whatsoever!

However, there is an other tendency in the modern version of the Jewish religion that has sprung up in the past 200 years. This is of tikkun olam, the duty of the Jews to be a guiding light to the Gentiles of the world, to lead the way for them towards making the world a better place. This is where all liberal and leftwing Jews are getting their ideology from. It is from this very liberal strain of Reform Judaism that Sanders gets his religious ideology.

However, Israel is the Achilles Heel of almost all US Jews. No matter how liberal or leftwing they are, they throw it all out the window when it comes to Israel. They have a total progressive blind spot when it comes to Israel. And so it is with Bernie Sanders, and it is here that the fact that he is a Jew is important. Nevertheless, he is the least pro-Israel candidate for President out there.

Here are the highlights, or rather lowlights, of his speech:

  • Support for regime change in Libya on grounds of removing a brutal dictator
  • Support for regime change in Iraq on grounds of removing a brutal dictator – I suppose this means support for the Iraq War, right?
  • Support for regime change in Syria on grounds of removing a brutal dictator.
  • Supporting for arming the Saudis to they can help us go into Syria to “fight ISIS.” Except when we give those guns to the Saudis, they will turn right around and give them to Al Qaeda, ISIS and the other idiots fighting to overthrow Assad.
  • Repeatedly states his support for “our good friends the Saudis” as being essential to “the war on ISIS.” Great, except for one thing. The Saudis are not fighting ISIS. The Saudis are the main support entity for ISIS.
  • Still committed to getting rid of Assad in Syria. First ewe need to take out ISIS (except our allies are supplying and supporting the group) then we need to force Assad out. So Sanders remains committed to regime change in Syria.
  • Support for the Saudis in their insane war against Yemen.
  • Support for “Israel’s right to defend itself.”
  • All parties must support Israel’s right to exist (as a racist, apartheid, ultranationalist National Socialist state).
  • All attacks on Israel are unacceptable! Why is that? Actually it is the other way around. I think all attacks on Israel are acceptable. They are getting what they deserve. When I read about Israel’s continuing activities in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, I think that if I were a Palestinian, I would grab a knife or jump in a vehicle and try to kill some of those Jews myself.

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