Entertainment Magazine

Begging Not To Like Barlow ...

Posted on the 08 October 2013 by Tlb Music Blog @TLB_Blog
Sometimes, you want to hate something so much, just because you're meant to love it. Gary Barlow is, in our eyes, one of those things. The fact is, his career stemmed from a horrendous boy-band in the last century and, since then, his fame has heightened with the reformation of the same band, their success, their departure and his solo career on the X Factor. He has now brought out a new single, Let Me Go, and despite wanting to hate it so so much, we kind of like this. A lot.
Begging Not To Like Barlow ...The fact is, if we had listened to this without being told who it was, we know we'd enjoy it, so we're going to have to embrace the fact that it is Gary Barlow and that he has managed to make something truly remarkable.
It's a well known fact that, in music, Gary is known for penning his own songs and this makes this review that little bit easier. He has clearly taken influence from the likes of Ben Howard and, most notably, Mumford & Sons whilst making this track, meaning that overall, there's nothing but success that can surely come from this.
The folky surroundings really do work wonders for Gary and, with his growing age, it seems that he has really managed to push himself into the modern and, relatively fashionable, age of music that appeals to nearly every generation.
As we previously said, it's with a bit of a heavy heart that we'll admit it, but we think Gary has really come onto something here with this infectiously catchy, very pleasing, soothing and, just generally brilliant little track.
It's only a matter of time until people start catching on and, fair play to the man, he has certainly played his cards very right in the past few years and, what looks like, the next few years to come.

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