When I was at horse riding last weekOne of the men called Pat Was asking me about my conditionYou see the group I ride with Are called para-ridersWhich means they have a physical condition or disability For instance Pat has multiple sclerosis MSLand in his case It effects the left side of his body So he has trouble walking Among other things Pat was asking me if I have MSAnd I explained to him that I am recovering from an eating disorderNamely anorexia and bulimia He didn't really seem to understand what that meant So on the spur of the moment I showed him a photo on my phone Of me when I was very unwell He was shocked to see the picture. I also showed Eilish and FintanWho were equally shocked Then when I got home that evening I showed my sister She said that it is a brilliant photoIf a little disturbing I remember when it was taken I asked my brothers girlfriend to take some photos of me To document that time in my life Most of the shots are of me in my underwear But the most vivid shots We're the ones of just my face I look like I have given up Like an old and very sad womanThen I looked at photos of myself now And the difference is night and day It shows me just how far I have come I feel so sorry for the girl in that photoShe looks desperate Lonely Like she has been crushed by her illness And by lifeHer eyes look deadI am just so grateful to have made it out the other side To have survivedHere are the photos...