Food & Drink Magazine

Beet It!

By Yonni @vegandthecity
Few foods are naturally more colorful than beets.  Yellow, orange, a purpley-red (for which they are best known) and even striped red and white like a candy cane!  In addition to the splash they can add to the look of any dish, they have wonderful healthy properties such as antioxidants, and offer detox support, and powerful nutrients to fight against heart disease, certain cancers, birth defects and so on. Maybe Russians knew what they were doing when they introduced borscht (a traditional beet soup) into their diets – they are known for their long life span!

Beet It!

Ukrainian borsch with smetana, pampushkas and shkvarkas

Fun beet food fact: Did you know they are in the same family as chard, spinach and quinoa?  If you eat beet greens, you will taste the slightly bitter chard similarities, and they can be prepared in the same way you would that or spinach – steamed or sauteed.

When shopping for beets, be sure to pick firm, unburied pieces and when you get them home, do not wash them! Keep them in an airtight plastic bag and they will last up to a few weeks.

When you are ready to cook them, rinse them before slicing or dicing.  You may want to use gloves to keep your hands from turning the same color as your veggies!  The healthiest way to cook them is to just steam them for 15 minutes.  Once fork tender, place on a cutting board and remove the peel with a paper towel.  You can then toss them into a salad, or mix them with a light vinaigrette.  They are so flavorful with a bit of Dijon and some tarragon! Of course, beets are known for their sweetness, so for a different twist, roast them in a bit of olive oil and kosher salt.  When they are nearly done (fork tender again) drizzle a tiny bit of brown sugar over them and mix well before finishing the cooking…it’s like healthy candy! If you’re in a rush, or prefer something raw, just grate or slice the beets finely with a knife or mandolin and toss them over your favorite greens with a little lemon juice and olive oil.

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