Creativity Magazine

Because It Matters

By Vickilane
Because It Matters
I suspect that many of my friends have already voted but I feel obliged to post this reminder.
Because It Matters
It's amazing how many people sit out the mid term elections . . .
Because It Matters
But when access to voting is made more difficult
Because It Matters
It can have a chilling effect. Because It Matters
Don't let the bastards get you down -- So many races are so close right now . . .
Because It Matters
Every vote is important.
Because It Matters
The first six pictures were taken Sunday -- we had almost eight inches of snow.
Because It Matters
                           These three are from yesterday -- as the snow began to melt.
Because It Matters
And this last one is from  National Public Radio's Car Talk website --   Tom Magliozzi -- whose infectious laugh and quick wit brightened many a  Saturday morning -- is gone and the world is a little darker. Because It Matters

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