Fashion Magazine

Beauty Flash: Optiphi's Innovative And Active Scientific Opti-Cleanse Tablets

By Rasha M. @my_vitrina
Beauty Flash: Optiphi's Innovative And Active Scientific Opti-Cleanse Tablets It’s a well known fact that water is the simple solution to beautiful, youthful skin.Of course, drinking eight glasses of water daily is recommended, but what more can you do to ensure the most radiant, healthy looking skin? Your skin is constantly under attack by exposure to harmful and external factors such as solar UV radiation, harsh climatic conditions, free radicals and stress.So are there any new solutions to this on going problem? Yes! The Optiphi Opti-Cleanse Complex innovative cleansing water tablets.This stabilises, harmonises, balances and controls, bringing your water into a perfect equilibrium - a real first in active scientific beauty products.Cleansing is vital to purify your skin and now you can optimise your water and ultimately your skin with the Opti-Cleanse Complex water enhancing agent. Two types of Opti-Cleanse Complex tablets are available, the Water Optimizing Tablets for Facial Cleansing  and the Water Optimizing Tablets for Bathing.  Like our fan page on Facebookhere,or follow My Vitrina on Twitterhere
*Photo: Courtesy of Optiphi

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