On Sunday morning, I jumped on a flight south and left the blue skies of Brisbane and headed off to enjoy a splash of summer in Sydney.
As we made our descent into my second favorite Australian city (because … you know, BRISBANE!) our pilot uttered a few little words that I definitely didn’t want to hear … Welcome to Sydney, where it’s 19 degrees and raining.
What. The. Hell.
It has been a good six years since I’ve been to Sydney at a time other than the middle of winter, so I was hoping for a couple of lazy days in the sunshine.
Despite the gloomy outlook, I wasn’t going to let a few raindrops stop me from enjoying my mini vacay with soon to be parents, Erin and Mark.
After lunch at Coogee Pavilion (it blew my mind, especially the all-ages games room with its giant Scrabble board on the wall and ping-pong tables and my burger was delish) and a windy walk along the beach, we headed home to chill out and check out the Tinder scene.
Purely for research, of course!
When we woke on Monday, Sydney had delivered the goods with a cloudless day so Erin and I made the most of it by heading to Bondi Beach where blue skies sunk into blue and turquoise water and people’s tanned skin glistened in the sun.
The wind meant it was still a little too cold for me to strip off so we chose to make the most of the views and have lunch at Bondi Icebergs before checking out the street art painted along the wall facing the beach.
Hanging out with one of my favorite people. Just keep swimming. Bondi Icebergs. Summer perfection.Thanks for the sunshine Sydney and thanks to the delicious assortment of smart, handsome and foreign men on Tinder, I shall definitely be back soon (she types while simultaneously looking up flight specials).