Blush and the Blog invites all its readers, old and new, to send reviews/ articles about
skin care, makeup, fashion, accessories, jewellery, etc. You can also send photo and video tutorials. It's your choice. All you have to do is pen down your thoughts and send me an email to
[email protected].
How it will benefit you ? - For Bloggers - You have a chance to interact with my readers and share your blog with them.I will be eager to place a link to your blog in the post itself.
- For Non - Bloggers, it will be a great way to express your thoughts to a large number of makeup obsessed girls and who knows, you will get addicted to blogging in no time.
I won't be able to provide any monetary compensation for posts as of now, but author of every guest post, will get an additional 5 entries for every post in all my future giveaways.
Still confused about something, email me and I will be eager to help.