Feminism has been shot through with hatred of men since the day it started. The very first Second Wave feminist demonstrations featured shrewish women yelling in the streets, “Starve a rat!” They were advocating that all women stop cooking dinner for their husbands. All women’s husbands were considered automatically to be rats.
Feminists claim it’s a lie that feminists hate men. I have been testing out this theory for a long time now because I was not sure it was true. It’s true. Most feminists definitely hate men. Or if not then they are angry at men and want paybacks and revenge. Feminists don’t want equality. They want revenge. They want us to suffer for all we did to them in the past. There are some feminists who do not hate men at all, but they are usually not openly involved in the movement to the extent that they are writing articles and commenting on feminist websites.
The Second Wavers were of course the worst when it came to man-hating. Most of the heroes of Second Wave feminism were such virulent man-haters that one wondered if their hatred of men was near psychotic proportions. Mary Daly, Julie Bindel, Valerie Solanis, Robin Morgan, Audre Lourde, Angela Davis, Andrea Dworkin, Catherine McKinnon. All of these were part of a movement called Radical Feminism.
Apologists often say that Dworkin and Solanis were outliers, but even Solanis genocidal SCUM Manifesto is considered one of the canonical texts of modern feminism. I’m serious. Even otherwise sane Betty Friedan led the charge against the male birth control when a scientist in Brazil said he had made one. The idea that men could control whether women got pregnant or not sent the feminists into conniptions.
Apologists also say that Radical Feminism is a tiny movement in modern feminism. That’s not true. Almost all existing Second Wavers are radfems. Nowadays you are either a radfem or a Third Wave intersectional sex-positive liberal feminist. The latter are probably more common, but there’s no shortage of the former.
I would agree that Third Wavers don’t hate men nearly as much as Second Wavers do. After all, the Third Wave is predicated on sex-positivity, which implies that these women have to like us enough to tolerate having sex with us. However, Third Wavers are still man-haters to some extent or at least they apologize for them.
Even Babe Magazine, a Third Wave flagship publication, apologizes for the man-haters, claiming most of them are just joking. Jezebel is one of the better Third Wave feminist sites and many of the commenters are very much involved with men. Nevertheless, I would consider a lot of them to be at least moderate man-haters. The Third Wave toned down the man hatred but it didn’t get rid of it.
Thing is most straight women don’t hate men. I should know, I’ve been dating them and trying to date them my whole life. I am often shocked at how much the average women actually likes or loves us men. I often wonder how much we deserve it. With all the bad things we do to women, they still just can’t stop loving us.
Maybe that’s Natural Law kicking in again. Nature wants women to love men. Man-hating women are going against Nature. Natural Law says that violations of Nature will be tolerated but the violators will often function less well or be less happy. And indeed, the shrillest manhating feminists sure don’t seem very happy. It’s hard to be happy when you’re that pissed off.
All this stupid man-hatred has been very bad for Feminism, which after all, is one of the great Liberation Movements of the 20th Century – the movement for the liberation of women from male domination, control and bondage and towards greater equality between the sexes. Most women are actually in favor of this goal. But feminism has gotten so tainted with man hatred that only 20% of American women say they are feminists. That’s right. 80% of US women refuse to identify as feminists.
Furthermore, I would gather that men are leaving the feminist movement in droves. I was once involved in feminism and identified as a feminist. I was actually a dues-paying member of NOW, the National Organization for Women. I no longer identify as a male feminist, though I do support equity feminism. A stroll around the Web will reveal a wide streak of men who are openly anti-feminist along with a few women who are angry that their desire for equality with men has been ruined by the shrieking manhating harpies.
Why the blowback? I think the feminists have finally pushed us men too far. All Identity Politics movements endlessly push for more benefits for their group. Even after they achieve what looks like success, they will keep pushing because the whole nature of their movement is predicated on endless victimhood and moving the equality goalposts further away each time the movement nears the goal line. Furthermore, I don’t even think most IP movements even want equality. They say they do, but most want to go beyond equality and turn the tables by dominating the group that once dominated them. And there’s your paybacks, revenge, make em pay, etc.
The feminists have only themselves to blame for this whole nasty blowback, with all of the attendant misogynistic MRA’s, MGTOW’s, PUA’s, and incels. They birthed this monster by pushing too far.
By the way, a lot of these feminists have more or less declared war on us men. I don’t like to threaten people, but feminists might want to think twice before they declare war on men. I know my crazy gender very well. Do feminists really want to go to war with men? Once men declare war on feminists in return for their shots across the bow, it won’t be a pretty picture. In any real war between men and women, the women will always lose. Furthermore, the omnipresent homicidal rage of men, typically suppressed or repressed in most of us, will ensure that any war will ugly indeed. The Incels are already murdering women just for being women. And that won’t be the end of it either.
Be careful what you wish for, feminists.