Environment Magazine

Bandung, Indonesia: ELF Torch Police and Military Bulletproof Vest Manufacturing Plant

Posted on the 27 September 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Communique [translation - original text here]:Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 11.19.02 PM

The police are the enemy. This is our final statement that is not negotiable. Police are not born to be friends, as individuals and as an institution, and can not be excluded from the list of enemies that must be addressed by for our attacks. As an institution and as individuals, the police goal is to protect civilization and the exploitation it is doing to the earth.

The objective of the police -as well as the other repressive instruments- is to secure the money and investment interests for the sake of the anthropocentric way of life as it is today. The police are not for representing our interests. Instead, the police are one of the thousands of faces of outrage alive today. Police must be attacked, as hard as possible.

For their loyal services as guard dogs for the domestication of life, they are equipped with combat equipment that is used against free will and the aspirations of wildlife where the judiciary and the rule of law are totally absent. They are equipped with weapons, armor and bulletproof vests. The devices are manufactured so that the pigs can act with confidence in the face of the war that is addressed to their masters.

But they were wrong. The pigs have a totally wrong idea if they think that we are not brave enough to send our attack right to their essential sectors. As of this moment, when we put two jerry cans containing 5 liters of petrol and 5 liters of diesel equipped with an automatic trigger. Triggers that we have prepared so that we can move away from the scene of the attack and make them not be able to catch any of us. Which is more than enough time for us to let nature protects us by removing all traces of our feets.

We tried a new step to radicalize our attacks and extend the effects of the damage from any blows that we direct to the enemy. Incendiary devices placed at a factory during the early hours on Monday, September 23, located on Canal Street Suryani, Babakan Village, District Babakan Ciparay, Bandung, West Java.

The reason? This factory manufactures bulletproof vests for cops and army. This plant is one of the sources for the production of war equipment for these pigs. Bullet-proof vests to protect police and soldiers when they open fire on the enemy, open fire on us and on our brothers. That’s why, this place is burning, charred, and this is the purpose of this action.

Together with these actions, we send our respectful salute to the combatants in other parts of the world and other places who without hesitation attack as much as possible. Salute to the joint actions undertaken by CCF Russia and the Russian ELF. Also the relentless attack from combatants Amigo de la Tierra – FAI in Argentina. Also the multiple attacks by the brave ones of CCF and ICR in Project Phoenix.

This action also is our warm greetings and hugs to the brave individuals who were abducted by the state but continue to wage war whilst their physical movements are limited. To Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Marco Camenisch, Hans Niemeyer, Walter Bond, the combatants of CCF Imprisoned Members Cell and the prisoners in Greece, Italy and Chile that we can not mention one by one, but they are always in our hearts.

Bring down the civilization
Wild Life, now!

ELF Indonesian Fraction


Link of the video of the action from local news:


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