I say the beauty of fruit and God's bounty. What should I say?Someone must compliment me. The chocolate color was so intense ,I had to use m&m 's for a contrast.

Necessity they say is the mother of Invention. Chocolate is always a necessity, low fat is a bigger need-Mission Weight loss Health Regain here.
Using up bananas another.
Its been raining incessantly here in Mumbai and rains bring with them insatiable appetites.
And with a new delicatessen opening in the neighborhood, not baking to save the calories suddenly wasn't reason enough. We have no one to share the calories with here. :-(
So we bake.

Hence ..some minor changes as apple sauce was no option.
The result was a soft spongy cake , almost akin to a pound cake... firm and with a dense texture that didn't disintegrate even when we cut it warm.
Sinful chocolate, the only thing I would change is maybe reduce the chocolate next time. I couldn't photograph it well.
For the
Banana Double Chocolate Low Fat Cake...
you need
3 medium bananas
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup neutral vegetable oil
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence
200 gms -240gms dark cooking chocolate or chocolate chips
1 cup all purpose flour or maida
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Optional- chocolate chips to sprinkle. Sweet Child wanted bournvita ,but I wouldn't recommend that as that became a little watery .The chocolate chips were great though.
Loaf tin needed here.
Greased and floured well.
Preheat oven to 175°C or 350°F.
Start by pulverizing the bananas ,sugar and the egg and vanilla essence together. I used my potato masher and this had to be done fast. Did I mention sweet child hates bananas? And fruit in general .So I need to find ways to sneak them into his meals. That is why I need to be the queen of deviousness.

While the melted chocolate cools ,add in the flour , cocoa powder, salt and baking powder .

1/2 cup fry stuff at time alternative with the cooled chocolate mix.
Pour into the loaf tin and sprinkle with the chocolate chips.
If your teeth are not too hol"ey" or holy add walnuts to add to the health factor. Mine are riddled with cavities, so I avoid nuts like the plague.

Pop into the oven for about 45-55 minutes and check with a skewer. My tin is black ,so couldn't make out if the cake was done.
Cool in the tin and invert onto a wire rack.

Slice and add some icing sugar snow and enjoy.
Count the health factor when you indulge this time... the next time we.ll do this cake in whole wheat flour.
Banana has potassium ,fibre and Vitamin B , you know all about the goodness of chocolate ...and that this is low ...so low in fat.

Awesome....It tastes a bit of banana like but the chocolate is overwhelming
Bring on the rains.
If this is Ambrosia-it wont pain to burn a few more calories in the gym.

Ps Ambrosia- is food of the gods.@PercyJackson @GreekMyths
So what are you baking today???