Arts & Crafts Magazine

Ballerina Party Decorations

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
Ballerina Party DecorationsIt's no secret that sweet music tames the most savage beast... even childish ones. A good dance around the lounge room gets my two daughters back in a fun-loving mood, no matter how bad the weather outside.  When Mum and Dad join in, it's even better, and for us it's often the perfect 'last activity' that burns off dinner energy before we start the wind-down to bed.
When I was younger I played classical flute (badly, but with a desire to be good) and I remember clearly the reverence with which I held sheet music.  Imagine being a young person knowing that someone like Mozart had scribed those very notes onto paper, or vellum, at an age younger than I was then.
I don't play now, except the occasional poor rendition of Twinkle-Twinkle on an old recorder to amuse the girls.  I still love listening to music however, and I've kept my passion for paper-music.
On Pinterest I've got a running pin-board of images called Sheet Music Creations and it shows the very many beautiful things that crafty people have used music to make.  Many of the craft projects appear to have stained the paper to age it (there's a How-To stain paper guide in the "Help!" section on my website), but there's another way that you can make 'ordinary' music sing - and that's to photocopy it onto colored paper.
The picture in the corner is a photocopy of beginner recorder tunes I made onto hot-pink paper, and I think it would be perfect for a Ballerina Party Theme.  It makes a great table mat in it's own right, laminated or not, or it could be concertina-folded into a fancy dress fan, cut up to make wreaths or garlands, or wrapped around votive glasses and back-lit by candlelight; perfectly sophisticated enough to decorate any glamorous ballet-birthday girl's soirée!  
Oh go on... make some ballerina party crafts out of sheet music and then send me the photo-link so I can post it on my virtual pinboard...!

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