Babies skin has different needs to Mummy skin, it is sensitive, fragile and so very new and squishy. We have been lucky that little miss has not reacted badly to any products we have used, she suffers from eczema and dry skin but with a little TLC she stays soft and squeaky clean.
Babies Bottom
Nappy rash, its a nasty cruel thing. Best to change nappies as frequently as you can. Make it part of your routine. To treat a sore and red bottom we use either Sudocream on a very red bottom or Basik Bottom balm for a little redness or dry skin.

Bath time Bubbles
Since little miss was diagnosed with eczema we only use QV in the bath. Oils and baby products like the Little Bairn Milk and Honey bath soak are also lovely bath time alternatives.
Smooth and squishy Skin
After bath time we always have a quick moisturize with QV, or Basik organics skin balm. Straight after bath is the perfect time to give baby a little massage to relax them and to give their skin some extra nourishment.

Luscious Locks
Once baby has hair its time to wash that baby scalp, we wash bubs hair once a week and gently brush her hair and scaly every other day. Daily food gets baby wiped out...
We use Milk and find it gentle and lathers nicely.