Hair & Beauty Magazine

Baby Lips!

By Brightowngirl @Brightowngirl
Baby Lips!Yes I thought I would put my two pence worth in on the Maybelline Baby Lips. I wasn't actually that excited about these launching, I knew I would prob pick up one of the tinted balms to try but I wasn't going to rush in store and grab them on launch date.It actually turns out I love these. They are really moisturising and have a fairly good pigmentation for a lip balm.They have been clinically tested so the formula leaves the lips feeling really soft and smooth. The clear balms have an spf20 in them which is I like, I just wish the tinted ones had that too.Baby Lips!The least pigmented color is Peach Kiss, I have quite pigmented lips and this just gives me more of sheen to the lips. When swatched on the hand it comes out a very light peach color that gives a nude effect.
Baby Lips!My favorite shade is Cherry Me. This looks like a very dark pink in the tube but when swatched it is much more sheer. This gives me just enough color to make me look a bit more put together. I love it Baby Lips!Last but not least is Pink Punch, a vibrant pink and the most pigmented out of the three. This gives a real baby pink color to the lips and is such a pretty color. This one has been worn a lot through the summer months. 
Overall I just love Baby Lips. They are a gorgeous tinted balm that actually feel moisturising on the lips which is rare I think. These retail for £2.99 at Boots. (A complete bargain)Have you jumped on the Baby Lips band wagon? What are your thoughts? 

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